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It's important that HR has up to date and relevant information about you in relation to your employment. If any information has changed since you started working at the university, please update us using the below forms and tools.

Bank account

If you change your bank account, or change banks, it's important to let Payroll know as soon as possible.

You can change your bank account details in the Staff Web Kiosk by going to My Pay > Payroll Details > Bank Accounts and updating your details as necessary.

*Please note: you can only be paid into one bank account

Log in to the Staff Web Kiosk

Inland Revenue Department (IRD) changes

Changing your name

If you change your name and want this to be reflected in our records and communications with you, we must ensure this is the same name that the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) knows you by.

To change your name with us, please complete an IR330 form and send it to Payroll Services. Please also advise us of your former name and the title you wish to be known by (e.g. Ms, Mrs etc)

Download and complete the IR330 form

Tax Code changes

If you change your tax code, you need to complete the IR330 form and forward this to Payroll Services.

Download and complete the IR330 form

Your contact details

It's important that we know how to contact you or your emergency contact person if required. You can check and update your contact details and emergency contact details via the Staff Web Kiosk.

Equal employment opportunity data

The university collects information on gender, ethnicity and disability as part of our commitment to equal employment opportunities. The information allows the university to monitor our progress towards our equity and diversity goals.

We encourage you to update your equity data in the Web Kiosk by hovering above the Home Icon then going to EEO > Equity Details.

Log into the Staff Web Kiosk now
Read the Equal Employment Opportunity Data Collection Process

Key contacts

Payroll Services
03 479 8269 (fax: 8279)

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