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For all enquiries please contact the Exchange Office at
Last updated May, 2024

Academic Information

Language of Instruction

Japanese and English

You must be in your third or fourth year to go on exchange to Tokyo.

Course Information

  • Type U program is designed for undergraduate students to take various courses given in English and/or Japanese in the various Faculties in accordance with their English and/or Japanese language proficiency.
    • USTEP Type U students are allowed to take up to two credit-bearing Japanese language classes per week.
    • From 2025, students who request to take three credit-bearing Japanese language courses per week must get special permission from their home university. This application will be reviewed by UTokyo before permission can be granted.
    • NB. A course offered twice a week counts as two classes. There are no restrictions on non-credit-bearing Japanese language programs offered by the Japanese Language Education Division
  • Type G program is designed for graduate students.
  • Make sure you select courses from one campus - it takes about an hour by local transport to travel between the Komaba and Hongo Campus.
  • You will register for courses after arrival in Japan.
  • Course catalogue for Type U students
  • Global Japan Studies (GJS) - delivered in English. The program offers an insight into Japanese Studies that ranges from the fundamentals to specialized knowledge of Japan Studies.

Semester Dates

  • Academic Year: September - July
  • Fall Semester: late September to late January
  • Spring Semester: early April to Late July

Semester Dates at Tokyo

Course Load and Minimum Unit Requirements

  • Type U students are recommended to enrol in 28 credits including at least 4 credits of non-language courses in one year.
  • On average 14 courses worth 2 credits each.
  • Courses worth 2 credits consist of 13 X 105-minute classes.

Accommodation and the Cost of Living


Exchange students may apply for University housing arranged by University of Tokyo. However, due to the limited number of facilities available, we cannot guarantee that all students who apply for University-managed housing will receive it.

The International Center at UTokyo will contact the students with details of the procedure after their applications to study or research at UTokyo have been approved.

Housing Office

Estimated Cost of Living

Scholarships available for students going to Japan on exchange

Additional Information

Student Visa and Insurance

Information on Student Visas and Insurance for students going on exchange can be found elsewhere on this website.

Exchange Experiences

The University, City and Region

The University

The University of Tokyo, abbreviated as Todai, is a major research university in Tokyo. The University has 10 faculties with a total of around 30,000 students, 2,100 of whom are foreign. Its five campuses are in Hongo, Komaba, Kashiwa, Shirokane and Nakano.

It is widely considered to be the most prestigious university in Japan, and often it rates the highest in Asia. One of the five campuses of the University of Tokyo, the Komaba Campus is home to the College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, and a number of advanced research facilities and campus services. This is the campus where all the freshmen and sophomores of the University of Tokyo spend their college life.

The University of Tokyo is the only university in Japan that has a system involving two years of general education before students can choose and move on to their special fields of study. In this system, the Komaba Campus is the cornerstone of general education, and was designated as the "center of excellence" for three new areas of research by the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science.

There are currently over 7,000 students (freshmen and sophomores) enrolled in the general-education course, about 450 students (juniors and seniors) pursuing their specialties in the College of Arts and Sciences, and 1,400 graduate students devoting themselves to advanced study.

More info on exchange at Tokyo

The City of Tokyo

The history of the city of Tokyo stretches back some 400 years. Originally named Edo, the city started to flourish after Tokugawa Ieyasu established the Tokugawa Shogunate there in 1603. As the centre of politics and culture in Japan, Edo grew into a huge city with a population of over a million during the eighteenth century.

Today Tokyo is one of the world's most vital major cities, boasting advanced technology, information, culture and fashion, as well as a high level of public safety. Tokyo is a vibrant region, made up of a population of approximately 12.27 million people which includes the 'central' area, Tama area and the islands.

Tokyo is a mix of the traditional, historical and modern, with many exciting historical sites to visit such as the Imperial Palace, Mt Takao, and various ancient tombs and temples, castle ruins, hot springs, shrines, the Edo Period Gardens, the Tokyo Dome as well as many lively shopping areas.

Further Information

For further information about Student Exchange please email

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