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Please note: the following table is provided only as an example. You must contact the Global Studies co-ordinator to work out your own individual programme.

Climate change and the environment

Major in Global Studies, minor in Environmental Management

Greta – Climate change policy specialist

Greta wants to understand how climate change has been impacting the Pacific. She plans to work in the field of environmental management, helping smaller communities through not-for-profit organisations (NPOs) or local governments in that region.

She also wants to learn te reo Māori, and that will be beneficial for her line of work.

Papers legend



Approved regional and career pathways

Other: Minor in Environmental Management

Year Core Global Language-acquisition Regional and career pathways Minor in Environmental Management
1 GLBL 101
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
MAOR 111
Te Kākano 1
MAOR 112
Te Kākano 2
MAOR 102
Māori Society
Big Picture
Pacific Societies
ENVI 111
Environment and Society
GEOG 101
Physical Geography
2 GLBL 201
Cultures of the Environment
MAOR 211
Te Pihinga 1
MAOR 212
Te Pihinga 2
PACI 201
Contemporary Pacific Island Issues
Regional Focus
SOCI 208
Environmental Sociology
GEOG 216
Resource Evaluation and Planning
GEOG 397
Environmental Management
3 GLBL 303
Applied Research Project
MAOR 311
Te Māhuri 1
MAOR 312
Te Māhuri 2
INDV 301
Māori and Indigenous Development: Governance and Ethics
SOCI 319
The Global Politics of Food
GEOG 388
Climate Change: Present and Future
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