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Library Databases - Record Details

TitleMusic Online: Classical Scores Library: Volume I and Volume II (Alexander Street)
Brief descriptionAn online scores database of classical music covering all time periods from medieval to contemporary. The database covers a diverse range of genres including choral works, symphonies, operas, and the avant-garde. Volume I includes more than 400,000 pages of important music scores and manuscripts, including Bach, Schubert, Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, Liszt, Brahms, Chopin and more. Volume II provides 200,000 pages of additional scores and alternative editions of compositions.
mobile app Mobile accessiPhone/iPod
AccessSubscription (EZ proxy)
Date rangeMedieval to present
No. of licencesMulti-user
Campus rangeAll campuses
Includes fulltextYes
Includes NZ content