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Archived stories

Colossal Squid dissection (2014)

Our student Tyler Northern helped to dissect a Colossal squid with NIWA at Te Papa (the second specimen ever found intact!):

Te Papa also have a blog with more details on the dissection:

Invasive Bryozoan and Ascidian Recruitment and Growth Experiment – iBARGE (2017)

Otago researchers join international study examining the fouling communities of ports and harbours.

Department of Marine Science researchers have joined iBARGE, the Invasive Bryozoan and Ascidian Recruitment and Growth Experiment.

iBARGE aims to examine the richness and growth rates of fouling communities, groups of marine organisms that grow on the undersides of boats, docks, and aquaculture equipment.  In many locations, fouling communities are dominated by invasive species which can overgrow native species including commercially important organisms like oysters and mussels.

The iBARGE program compares the growth rates of invasive species between locations on three different continents (the east and west coasts of North America, the UK, and NZ), using photographs taken on a weekly basis. Settlement panels – PVC squares – were deployed in the northern hemisphere's spring and summer and in Otago Harbour for the austral spring and summer.  Analysis of the data collected is allowing scientists to understand how growth rates vary with water temperature and location.

Visit the iBARGE website:

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