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As a qualified physiotherapist you can assist patients to lead independent, healthy, and fulfilling lives.

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Physiotherapists are valued for their work in hospitals, aged care facilities, and rehabilitation centres worldwide. They are also responsible for helping people maintain peak physical condition, as integral members of sports teams, fitness centres, and sports clinics.

Increased awareness of the importance of keeping workers healthy and productive in today's industrial environment has also created real opportunities for graduates inside large companies as occupational health and safety professionals, and in the developing field of health management.

You may find a rewarding and challenging role in a school or community care organisation, or decide to establish your own private practice.

The more we learn about how the human body operates, the more opportunities there are for qualified physiotherapists to practise and carry out research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels—here in New Zealand and offshore.

Physiotherapy is a collaborative profession which offers career pathways through supportive and established international networks which include the World Confederation for Physical Therapy or WCPT.

As a School of Physiotherapy graduate you can help improve health outcomes for all, across the lifespan.

Read more about Shannon and her career path since graduation.

Physiotherapy New Zealand offer a range of useful resources and information about physiotherapy and the vital work of physiotherapists in our communities.

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