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Required papers for the BAPPE

Required papers for the BA include BSNS 113, ECON 112, ECON 201 or ECON 271, and PHPE 201.† Twelve more papers in the three disciplines are required: one 100-level paper each in POLS and PHIL; four 200-level papers in the three disciplines including at least one from each subject; and six 300-level papers in the three disciplines including at least one in each of the subjects (CLAS 340 may substitute for one 300-level PHIL paper, and PHPE 301 and HUMS 301 may each contribute to the total of six 300-level papers in the major).

Required papers for the BComPPE

Required papers for the BCom include BSNS 113, ECON 112, PHIL 105, ECON 201 or ECON 271, PHPE 201, and MANT 331. Ten more papers in the three disciplines are required: one 100-level paper each in POLS; four 200-level papers in the three disciplines including at least one from each subject; and five 300-level papers in the three disciplines including at least two in ECON and at least one in each of POLS and PHIL (CLAS 340 may substitute for one 300-level PHIL paper, and PHPE 301 and HUMS 301 may each contribute to the total of six 300-level papers in the major). Candidates for the BCom degree must also complete the commerce division core papers, BSNS 111-115.

Required papers for the BA(Hons) and the BCom(Hons) PPE

Required papers for the BA(Hons) and BCom(Hons) include one of ECON 492, POLS 490, or PHIL 490, plus three further 400-level papers in at least two of the three disciplines.

Required papers for the Coursework MAPPE

Required papers for the coursework MA include one of ECON 580, PHIL 590, or POLS 590 (60 points); two of HUMS 501-503 (30 points each); and 60 points of 400-level (20 point) or 500-level (30 point) papers in ECON, PHIL, or POLS. No more than 80 points may be from any one of the component disciplines; CLAS 440 may be substituted for one 400-level PHIL paper. With the permission of the relevant heads of department, a candidate may substitute for one required paper another paper at the same level (for example, a 500-level POLS paper for a 500-level HUMS paper).

100-level papers

200-level papers

300-level papers

*  A student who has achieved mainly Excellences and Merits in each of the three subjects Economics, English, and Mathematics with Calculus or Mathematics with Statistics at NCEA Level 3 may apply to the Department of Economics to enter the second required paper (ECON 112) without completing the first (BSNS 113).

** Students considering postgraduate work in economics should take ECON 271. In addition to BSNS 113 and ECON 112, entry to ECON 271 requires one of the following: FINC 102, FINQ 102, MATH 160, MATH 170. Staff at the PPE programme office and the Economics Department are happy to discuss this choice with students.

PPE papers in the division of commerce papers are coded as BSNS, MANT or ECON. Those offered by the Department of Philosophy are coded as PHIL, and those by the Department of Politics are coded as POLS. Core programme papers are coded as PHPE, the Humanities internship practicum is HUMS 301/401, and the Humanities masters papers are HUMS 501-3.

Recommended papers from outside the core disciplines.

Papers in our core disciplines

Department of Economics
Department of Philosophy
Department of Politics

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