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Adam Lam & Qiao Zhang


A one-year reading course in Chinese language, based on 22 texts and associated exercises. This will serve as a textbook for advanced-level learners. Many of the texts describe and explain Chinese cultural ways, in China and elsewhere, and will be of great interest to students. Sydney Chinatown, tips on job-hunting in China, the Chinese view of sex, bargain-hunting in Sunday markets, are just some of the subjects covered. Each text is presented in traditional characters, simplified characters, and English, with an accompanying word list.

The book will be used by non-native speakers who are studying Chinese at universities, polytechnics or high schools; Chinese speakers studying the simplified or traditional forms of Chinese characters; and Chinese native speakers studying translation between English and Chinese.

This is the third book in a series, the first being A Beginner's Chinese Reader (out of print) by Shifen Gong and Haixin Jiang, and the second An Intermediate Chinese Reader by Qiao Zhang.

Publication details

Paperback, 200 pages
ISBN 1 877133 64 7
RRP $29.95
Published in 2000

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