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University of Otago theme Poutama Ara Rau

Poutama Ara Rau is dedicated to considering how mātauranga Māori and Māori pedagogies can transform tertiary teaching and learning. This research theme seeks to expand the quality of Māori learning and teaching theory and methods for tertiary teaching, and to enhance access to ako in a tertiary context including technological devices.

Dr Emma Wyeth (Director, NTMHRU) is a Co-Principal Investigator of the Curriculum stream of this theme, and Professor John Broughton is an Associate Investigator.

New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence: Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga

Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga is New Zealand's Māori Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE). Dr Emma Wyeth is the Co-Deputy Director.

Ngā Pae is committed to Māori research excellence and focuses on empowering Māori to achieve goals relating to economic, cultural, social and environmental well-being.

The Ngā Pae research programme comprises three key themes: Whai Rawa (Māori economy), Te Tai Ao (environment), and Mauri Ora (human flourishing), all underpinned by te reo me ngā tikanga Maori.

The cost of doing nothing

Dr Emma Wyeth is a Named Investigator on this project funded by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga and led by Professor Papaarangi Reid at the University of Auckland. The overall aim of the project is to understand the meanings of Māori adult health inequities through exploring Māori realities of illness. The research involves two studies conducted in parallel under the mana of a Kaupapa Māori paradigm.

Study 1 will use a Cost-of-Illness approach to identify inequities in hospitalisations, deaths, illnesses, and injuries between Māori and non-Māori adults, and to estimate the economic costs associated with these inequities for the health sector and for whānau.

Study 2 will utilise qualitative methods to begin to understand Māori lived realities of key concepts that underpin health economic models.

Dialysis Outcomes in those aged 65 years and over

The Dialysis Outcomes in those aged 65 years and over study (DOS65+) is a longitudinal study of older New Zealanders with chronic kidney disease. The overall aim of DOS65+ is to obtain prospective health-related quality of life and patient experience information to inform clinicians' and patients' decision making with respect to chronic kidney disease and management options.

Dr Emma Wyeth is a Co-Investigator for DOS65+.

Associated publications

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