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The Department of Medicine offers a range of postgraduate opportunities of either taught programmes in specific subject areas (largely distance learning through the two units below) or individual research programmes by thesis.

Occupational and Aviation Medicine

There are three main streams of postgraduate teaching and research undertaken by the Occupational and Aviation Medicine Unit of the University of Otago, Wellington:

  • Aviation Medicine
  • Occupational Medicine
  • Aeromedical Retrieval and Transport

Rehabilitation Teaching and Research Unit (RTRU)

We believe that good rehabilitation is interdisciplinary rehabilitation and our staff composition reflects this. Programmes on offer include certificate, diploma, master's and PhD.

Most of our teaching is by distance learning so we accept students from throughout New Zealand plus a small number from overseas.

Masters and Doctorate research study

Are you interested in advanced study in Medicine? We welcome inquiries from individuals interested in Masters and PhD study by thesis. We have staff available to supervise a wide range of topics. In the first instance please read about some of the current topics available for research within the Department and visit our staff profiles outlining their areas of interest on the Our People page.

Initial Inquiries should be made to the academic staff member directly.

Postgraduate student profiles

Read about current PhD students and their reasons for taking up postgraduate study

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