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The links on this page redirect to news about and experiences of smokefree outdoor policies from YouTube and other sources.

New Zealand Fresh Air Project videos

Otago, New Zealand, Fresh Air Project for smokefree outdoor dining
The Fresh Air Project 1 – A Taste of Smokefree Outdoor Dining
The Fresh Air Project 2 – A Taste of Smokefree Outdoor Dining

Whangarei, New Zealand, Fresh Air Project for smokefree outdoor dining
Fresh Air Project – Whangarei

Smokefree streets: Measuring particulates from smoking on streets

2012-07-10 - BREAKFAST TV - Smoker's polluting the air around them
From the research: Patel et al. Smoking increases air pollution levels in city streets: Observational and fine particulate data. Health & Place 2012;18(5):1202-5.

Smokefree NZ – public opinion

Smokefree NZ – public opinion - Cancer Society Auckland

Smokefree Auckland - What Aucklanders think

Smokefree Auckland What Aucklanders think (Cancer Society Auckland)

Whangarei Fresh Air project, April 2018

Whangarei Fresh Air project, April 2018: Includes interviews with three local café owners/managers

Smokefree Wellington City (New Zealand) video

New Mexico Department of Health campaign logo

This Smokefree Wellington illustrative video campaign was launched on World Smokefree Day on 31 May 2016 in conjunction with the launch of the Smokefree Action Plan.

Smokefree Wellington - Playgrounds

Smokefree Wellington City Bus Stop Nov 2016

Looking to the past to inspire our #Smokefree2025 future

Wellington bus stops are now smokefree

Outdoor Dining Licences are Free, if you go Smokefree

Christchurch (New Zealand) cafes trial auahi kore outdoors

Te Karere TVNZ (2016: 48s)

Share the Air: Smokefree Outdoor Dining Restaurant

Cancer Society New Zealand (Auckland Branch; 2014) 2m 12s

Scott Brown, co-owner of Hip Group talks about smokefree outdoor dining

The word from a restauranteur on his experience: Cancer Society Auckland (2014: 2m 2s)

Bristol becomes first UK city to pilot outdoor smoke-free areas

Voluntary policies for Millennium Square and Anchor Square (2015: 1m 9s)
BBC report (4m 48s)

New law bans smoking at beach

KITV report: Honolulu, Hawaii (2013: 2m 40s)

[Smoke] Free the patio (New Mexico)

Why Should We Free The Patio? (2m 3s: 2012)
Smokefree Restaurant Patios : Jim Garcia of El Pinto restaurant, Albuquerque (2m 34s: 2012)
Customer preferences for smokefree patios (2012: 2m 21s)
New Mexicans want smokefree patios (2015: 1m 20s)

French towns with smokefree beaches

La Ciotat makes beach smoke free (2011: 1m)

Smoke-Free Outdoors: The Woodstock Story (Canada)

In September 2008, the City of Woodstock in Ontario, Canada enacted a comprehensive outdoor smoking bylaw, which banned or restricted smoking in parks, recreational fields, around transit stops, doorways and downtown patios.

This video is a summary of learnings from the implementation of this innovative outdoor smokefree bylaw.

Case for Smoke-Free Outdoor Spaces - Grey-Bruce district, Ontario, Canada

Arguments for smokefree outdoor policies (1m 45s)

Starbucks rule on 25 foot smokefree zone around its cafes in US and Canada

The Lempert Report, 2013

Smoke Free Sarasota (Florida)

Introduction (45s)

Economic benefits to local government (39s)

Smokefree patios and entryways (66s)


Go smoke-free in outdoor dining areas! : Cancer Council NSW (2011) 36s

North Sydney Council is proposing to ban smoking in places within 10 metres of children's playgrounds, sportsgrounds and recreational facilities, in outdoor dining areas and in covered bus shelters and taxi ranks

Smokers will have to butt out in Brisbane's Queen Street Mall under a new city council plan

The Tasmanian Government is considering a ban on smoking in outdoor dining areas to make the practice appear abnormal to children

A survey has found a majority of restaurant owners would support a ban on smoking in outdoor dining areas across New South Wales

Ngati Hine Trust: smokefree and quit

This is not specifically smokefree outdoors, but is a great inspiration for going smokefree (1m 57s) . Part of a six part series.

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