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Book chapters

Dew, K., Cunningham, C., Davies, C., Tavite, H., Stairmand, J., Sarfati, D. & Signal, L. (2017) Maori centred research and ethnomethodology: Cancer inequities and research by and for indigenous peoples. SAGE Research Methods Cases. Sage: London.

Sarfati D.(2016) 'How to measure comorbidity' In Koczwara B (ed Cancer and Chronic Conditions: Addressing the problem of multimorbidity in cancer patients and survivors. Singapore, Springer.

Sarfati D and Gurney J. (2016). 'What is comorbidity?' In Koczwara B (ed) Cancer and Chronic Conditions: Addressing the problem of multimorbidity in cancer patients and survivors. Singapore, Springer.

Fleming S, Sarfati D, Kimmick G, Schoenberg N, Cunningham R.(2016) 'Impact of Comorbidity on Screening and Diagnosis'. In Koczwara B (ed) Cancer and Chronic Conditions: Addressing the problem of multimorbidity in cancer patients and survivors. Singapore, Springer.

Journal articles


Sarfati D, McLeod M, Stanley J, Signal V, Stairmand J, Krebs J, Dowell A, Leung W, Davies C, Grainger R. BetaMe: Impact of a comprehensive digital health programme on HbA1c and weight at 12 months for people with diabetes and pre-diabetes: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 2018; 19: 161

Dew K, Stairmand J, Signal L, Sarfati D. Cancer care decision-making and treatment consent: An observational study of patients' and clinicians' rights. Journal of Sociology 2018;1-18.

O'Brien I, Signal L, Sarfati D. Wide-ranging impacts reported by NZ cancer survivors: is supporting cancer survivor resilience a health sector role? Supportive Care in Cancer 2018; 16(4): 1207-13.

Stanley J, Semper K, Millar I, Sarfati D. Epidemiology of multimorbidity in New Zealand: A cross-sectional study using national-level hospital and pharmaceutical data. BMJ Open 2018; 8:e021689.

Stairmand J, Gurney J, Stanley J, Millar E, Davies C, Semper K, Dowell A, Mangin D, Lawrenson R, Sarfati D. The impact of multimorbidity on people's lives: a cross-sectional survey. NZMJ 2018; 131(1477): 78-90.

Gurney J, Stanley J, Sarfati D. The M3 multimorbidity index outperforms both Charlson and Elixhauser indices when predicting adverse outcomes in people with diabetes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2018; 99: 144-52.

Millar E, Stanley J, Gurney J, Stairmand J, Davies C, Semper K, Dowell T, Mangin D, Lawrenson R, Sarfati D. Impact of multimorbidity on health service utilisation and healthcare experiences J Primary Health Care 2018; 10(10): 44-53.

Millar E, Mangin D, Lawrenson R, Dowell A, Sarfati D. Clinical Guidelines: what happens when people have multiple conditions? NZ Medical Journal 2018 (1472): 73-81.

Gurney J, Stanley J, Rumball-Smith J, York S, Sarfati D. Post-operative death following lower limb amputation in a national prevalent cohort of patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 2018;41:1204–1211 |

Signal V, Huang S, Sarfati D, Stanley J, McGlynn K, Gurney J. Diary and risk of testicular cancer: a systematic review. Nutrition and Cancer 2018; DOI: 10.1080/01635581.2018.1470655.

Huang S, Signal V, Sarfati D, Shaw C, Stanley J, McGlynn K, Gurney J. Physical activity and risk of testicular cancer: a systematic review. BMC Cancer 2018; 18:189:

Gurney J, Stanley J, York S, Rosenbaum D, Sarfati D. Risk of lower limb amputation in a national prevalent cohort of patients with diabetes. Diabetologia 2018; 61: 626-35.

Sharples K, Firth M, Hinder V, Hill A, Jeffery M, Sarfati D, Brown C, Atmore C, Lawrenson R, Reid P, Derrett S, Macapagel J, Keating J, Secker A, De Groot C, Jackson C, Findlay M. The New Zealand PIPER Project: Colorectal cancer survival according to rurality, ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation – results from a retrospective cohort study. NZ Medical Journal 2018;131(1476):24-39.

Vaccarella S, Lortet-Tieulent J, Saracci R, Fidler RM, Conway DI, Vilahur N, Sarfati D, Jemal A, Mackenbach JP, Marmot M, Straif K, Wild C. Reducing Social Inequalities in Cancer: setting priorities for research. Ca Journal for Clinicians (in press).

Sharples K, Firth M, Hinder V, Hill A, Jeffery M, Sarfati D, Brown C, Atmore C, Lawrenson R, Reid P, Derrett S, Macapagel J, Keating J, Secker A, De Groot C, Jackson C, Findlay M. The New Zealand PIPER Project: Colorectal cancer survival according to rurality, ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation – results from a retrospective cohort study. NZ Medical Journal 2018;131(1476):24-39.

Pilleron S, Sarfati D, Janssen-Heijnen M, Vignat J, Ferlay J1, Bray F, Soerjomataram I. Global incidence of cancer in older adults in 2012 and 2035: a population-based study. International Journal of Cancer (accepted).

Lawrenson R, Lao C, Campbell I, Harvey V, Seneviratne S, Elwood M, Sarfati D, Kuper-Hommel M. The impact of different tumour sub-types on management and survival of New Zealand women with stage I-III breast cancer. NZ Med J 2018; 131(1475): 51-60.

Sarfati D, Jackson C: Cancer inequalities endure despite NHS reforms. BMJ 2018, 360 doi:

Lew JB, James D, St John B, Macrae FA, Emery JD, Ee HC, Jenkins MA, He E, Grogan P, Caruana M, Sarfati D, Greuter MJE, Coupé VHE, Canfell K. Evaluation of the benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of potential alternatives to iFOBT testing for colorectal cancer screening in Australia. International Journal of Cancer 2018; 143: 269-82.

Sarfati D, Robson B, Garvey G, Goza T, Foliaki S, Millar E, Scott N. Improving the health of Indigenous people globally. (letter and response from Director General of the World health Organization) Lancet Oncology 2018; 19(6): e276 and e277.

Sarfati D, Garvey G, Robson B, Moore S, Cunningham R, Withrow D, Griffiths K, Caron N, Bray F. Measuring cancer in Indigenous populations. Annals of Epidemiology 2018; 28: 335-42.

Diaz A, Baade PD, Valery PC, Whop LJ, Moore SP, Cunningham J, Garvey G. Brotherton JML, O'Connell DL, Canfell K, Sarfati D, Roder D, Buckley E, Condon JR. Comorbidity and cervical cancer survival of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian women: A semi-national registry-based cohort study. Plos One 2018, 13(5): e0196764.


Gurney J, McGlynn K, Stanley J, Merriman T, Signal V, Shaw C, Edwards E, Richiardi L, Hutson J, Sarfati D. Risk factors for cryptorchidism. Nature Reviews Urology (in press)

McLeod M, Kvizhinadze G, Boyd M, Barendregt J, Sarfati D, Wilson N, Blakely T. Colorectal cancer screening: Variation in health gain and cost-effectiveness by ethnic group, and the optimal age-range to screen. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (in press).

Signal L, Semper K, Stairmand J, Davies C, Millar E, Dowell T, Lawrenson R, Mangin D, Sarfati, D. A walking stick in one hand and a chainsaw in the other: patients' perspectives of living with multimorbidity. NZ Med J 2017; 130 (1455): 65-76.

Ginsburg O, Badwe R, Boyle P … Sarfati D, Temmerman M, Trimble T, Padela AI, Aggarwal A, Sullivan R. Changing the global policy paradigm to deliver safe, equitable and affordable care for women's cancers. Lancet 2017; 389: 871-80.

Gurney J, Richiardo L, McGlynn K, Signal V, Sarfati D. Analgesia use during pregnancy and risk of cryptorchidism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Human Reproduction 2017 32(5): 118-29.


Gurney J, Stanley J, Baker M, Wilson N, Sarfati D. Estimating the risk of acute rheumatic fever in New Zealand by age, ethnicity and deprivation. Epidemiology and Infection 2016 144(14), 3058-3067.

Teng A, Blakely T, Baker M, Sarfati D. The contribution of Helicobacter pylori to excess gastric cancer in Indigenous and Pacific men: a birth cohort estimate. Gastric Cancer 2016; DOI 10.1007/s10120-016-0671-8.

Jackson C, Sarfati D. How “modifiable” are “modifiable risk factors” for cancer? (invited editorial) NZ Med J 2016; 129(1447):7-9.

Lawrenson R, Lao C, Elwood M, Brown C, Sarfati D, Campbell I. Urban Rural Differences in Breast Cancer in New Zealand. Int J Environ Research Public Health 2016, 13, 1000; doi:10.3390/ijerph13101000.

Wernham E, Gurney J, Stanley J, Ellison-Loschmann L, Sarfati D. A Comparison of Maternity Care Models and their Relationship to Adverse Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study in New Zealand. Plos Medicine 2016; 13(9): e1002134. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002134.

Teng AM, Atkinson J, Disney G, Wilson N, Sarfati D, McLeod M, Blakely T. Ethnic Inequalities in Cancer Incidence and Mortality: Census-Linked Cohort Studies with 87 Million Years of Person-Time Follow-Up. BMC Cancer 2016;16:755. DOI: 10.1186/s12885-016-2781-4.

Sarfati D, Shaw C, Mcleod M, Blakely T, Bissett I. Screening for colorectal cancer: spoiled for choice? NZ Med J 2016;129(1440): 120-8.

Firth MJ, Sharples KJ, Hinder VA, Macapagal J, Sarfati D, Derrett SL, Hill AG, Brown C, Reid PMJ, Lawrenson RA, Atmore C, Keating JP, Jeffery M, Secker AH, De Groot C, Jackson CGCA, Findlay MPN. Methods of a national colorectal cancer cohort study: the PIPER Project NZ Med J 2016;129(1440): 25-36.

Gurney J, Chong A, Culliford-Semmens N, Tilton B, Wilson N, Sarfati D. The benefits and harms of rheumatic heart disease screening from the perspective of the screened population. International Journal of Cardiology 2016;221: 734-40.

Sarfati D, Koczwara B, Jackson C. The impact of comorbidity on cancer and its treatment. Ca: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 2016 66(4): 337-50.

Seneviratne S, Lawrenson R, Harvey V, Ramsaroop R, Elwood M, Sarfati D, Scott N, Campbell I. Stage of breast cancer at diagnosis in New Zealand: Impacts of socio-demographic factors, breast cancer screening and biology. BMC Cancer 2016;16, 129. doi: 10.1186/s12885-016-2177-5

Gurney J, Stanley J, Shaw C, Sarfati D. Ethnic patterns of hypospadias in New Zealand do not resemble those observed for cryptorchidism and testicular cancer: evidence of differential aetiology? Andrology 2016; 4: 82-86.

Gurney J, Sarfati D, Stanley J, Wilson N, Webb R. The incidence of acute rheumatic fever in New Zealand, 2010-2013. NZ Med J 2016; 128(1417): 65-7.


Soeberg M, Blakely T, Sarfati D. Trends in ethnic and socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival, New Zealand, 1991-2004. Cancer Epidemiology 39.6 (2015): 860-862.

Gurney J, Shaw C, Stanley J, Signal V, Sarfati D. Cannabis exposure and risk of testicular cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Cancer 2015, 15. DOI: 10.1186/s12885-015-1905-6.

Cunningham R, Sarfati D, Stanley J, Peterson D, Collings S. Cancer survival in the context of mental illness: A national cohort study. General Hospital Psychiatry 2015; 37: 501-6.

Sarfati D, Robson B. Equitable cancer control requires better data on indigenous peoples (invited commentary). Lancet Oncology 2015; 16:1442-4.

Gurney J, Sarfati D, Stanley J. The impact of patient comorbidity on cancer stage at diagnosis. British Journal of Cancer 2015; 113:1375-80.

Sarfati D, Lynch J, Bain C, Blakely T, Edwards E, Jackson R, Page A, Priest P, Stanley J. Teaching epidemiology in Australia and New Zealand: what are the core and advanced concepts for epidemiological practitioners and researchers? Australian Epidemiologist 2015; 22(1):43-47.

Blakely T, Collinson L, Kvizhinadze G, Nair N, Foster R, Dennett E, Sarfati D. Cancer care coordinators in stage III colon cancer: a cost-utility analysis. BMC Health Services Research 2015; 15:306: DOI: 10.1186/s12913-015-0970-5.

Cunningham R, Sarfati D, Stanley J, Peterson D, Collings S. Unravelling the Reasons for Poorer Cancer Survival in the Context of Mental Illness: A national cohort study. General Hospital Psychiatry (in press).

Dew K, Signal L, Davies C,Tavite H, Hooper C, Sarfati D, Stairmand J, Cunningham C. Dissonant roles: The experience of Māori in cancer care. Social Science and Medicine 2015; 138: 144-51.

Dew K, Stubbe M, Signal L, Stairmand J, Dennett E, Koea J, Simpson A, Sarfati D, Cunningham C, Batten L, , Ellison-Loschman L, Barton J, Holdaway M. Cancer Care Decision Making in Multidisciplinary Meetings. Qualitative Health Research (IF 1.6) 2015; 25(3): 397-407.

Gurney J, Sarfati D, Stanley J. Obscure aetiology, unusual disparity: the epidemiology of testicular cancer in New Zealand. Cancer Causes Control 2015; 26(4) 561-69.

McDonald A, Sarfati D, Baker M, Blakely T. Trends in Helicobacter pylori infection among Māori, Pacific and European birth cohorts in New Zealand. Helicobacter 2015; 20(2): 139-45.

Sheerin I, Green T, Sarfati D, Cox B. Projected Costs of Colorectal Cancer treatment in New Zealand in the absence of population screening NZ Med J 2015; 128 (1408): 72-85.

Stairmand J, Signal L, Sarfati D, Jackson C, Batten L, Holdaway M, Cunningham C. Consideration of comorbidity in treatment decision-making in multidisciplinary cancer team meetings: a review. Annal Oncol 2015; Advance access


Signal V, Sarfati D, Cunningham R, Gurney J, Koea J, Ellison-Loschmann L. Indigenous inequities in the presentation and management of stomach cancer in New Zealand: a country with universal health care coverage. Gastric Cancer 2014; DOI: 10.1007/s10120-014-0410-y (advanced access)

Sarfati D, Gurney J, Stanley J, Koea J. A retrospective cohort study of patients with stomach and liver cancers: the impact of comorbidity and ethnicity on cancer care and outcomes.BMC Cancer 2014, 14:821 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-821

Sarfati D, Gurney J, Stanley J, Lim BT, McSherry C. Development of a Pharmacy-based Comorbidity Index for patients with cancer. Medical Care 2014; 52(7): 586-93.

Jackson C, Ehrenberg N, Frizelle F, Sarfati D, Balasingam A, Pearse M, Parry S, Print C, Findlay M, Bissett I. Rectal cancer: future directions and priorities for treatment, research and policy in New Zealand. NZ Med J 2014; 127 (1395).

Sarfati D, Gurney J, Stanley J, Salmond C, Crampton P, Dennett E, Koea J, Pearce N. Cancer-specific administrative data-based comorbidity indices provided valid alternative to Charlson and NHI indices.J Clin Epidemiol 2014; 67(5): 586-95.

Meredith I, Sarfati D, Atkinson J, Blakely T. Thyroid cancer in Pacific women in New Zealand. NZ Med J 2014; 127(139)


Sarfati D, Gurney J, Lim BL, Bagheri N, Simpson A, Koea J, Dennett E. Identifying important comorbidity among cancer populations using administrative data: prevalence and impact on survival. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2013: doi:10.1111/ajco.12130.

Gurney JK, Sarfati D, Stanley J, Studd R. Do ethnic differences in cryptorchidism reflect those found in testicular cancer? Journal of Urology 2013; 190(5): 1852-1857.

Gurney JK, Sarfati D, Dennett E, Koea J. The completeness of cancer treatment data on the national health collections. NZ Med J 2013; 126 (1381): 69-74.

Chamberlain J, Sarfati D, Cunningham R, Koea J, Gurney J, Blakely T. Incidence and management of hepatocellular carcinoma among Māori and non-Māori New Zealanders. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2013; 37 (6): 520-526.

Swart E, Sarfati S, Cunningham R, Dennett E, Signal V, Gurney J, Stanley J. Ethnicity and rectal cancer management in New Zealand. NZ Med J 2013; 126(1384): 42-52.

Gurney J, Sarfati D, Stanley J, Dennett E, Johnson C, Koea J, Simpson A, Studd R. Unstaged cancer in a population-based registry: Prevalence, predictors and patient prognosis. Cancer Epidemiology 2013; 37 (4), 498-504.


Meredith I, Sarfati D, Ikeda T, Blakely T. Cancer in Pacific People in New Zealand. Cancer Causes and Control 2012; 23: 1173-84.

Sarfati D. Review of methods to measure comorbidity in cancer populations: no gold standard exists. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2012; 65: 924-933.

Sarfati D. Review of methods to measure comorbidity in cancer populations: no gold standard exists. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2012; 65: 924-933.

Hill S, Sarfati D, Robson B, Blakely T. Indigenous inequalities in cancer – what role for health care? Australian and NZ Journal of Surgery 2012; 83 (1-2), 36-41.

Shah A, Sarfati D, Blakely T, Atkinson J, Dennett L. Trends in Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rates in New Zealand, 1981–2004. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery. 2012; 82 (4), 258-264.

Meredith I, Sarfati D, Ikeda T, Atkinson J, Blakely T. High rates of endometrial cancer among Pacific women in New Zealand: the role of diabetes, physical inactivity, and obesity.Cancer Causes and Control. Online first 23 April 2012.

Blakely T, Soeberg M, Carter K, Costilla R, Atkinson J, Sarfati D. Bias in relative survival methods when using incorrect life-tables: Lung and bladder cancer by smoking status and ethnicity in New Zealand. International Journal of Cancer. 2012

Nair N, Sarfati D, Shaw C. Population Screening for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Evaluating the Evidence against Screening Criteria. New Zealand Medical Journal 2012; 125 (1350): 5075.

Nair N, Shaw C, Sarfati D, Stanley J. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Disease in New Zealand: Epidemiology and Burden between 2002 and 2006. New Zealand Medical Journal 2012:125 (1350): 5074.


Blakely T, Shaw C, Atkinson J, Cunningham R, Sarfati D. Social inequalities or inequities in cancer incidence? Repeated census-cancer cohort studies, New Zealand 1981-86 to 2001-04. Cancer Causes and Control 2011; 22 (9), 1307-1318.

Brewer N, Borman B, Sarfati D, Jeffreys M, Fleming ST, Cheng S, Pearce N. Does comorbidity explain the ethnic inequalities in cervical cancer survival in New Zealand? A retrospective cohort study. BMC Cancer 2011 doi:10.1186/1471-2407-11-132

Blakely T, Soeberg M, Sarfati D. Investigating changes over time in socioeconomic gaps in cancer survival: using differences in relative survival versus differences in excess mortality rates can give different answers. (Research letter) Annals of Oncology 2011; doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdr523.

Rumball-Smith J, Sarfati D. Improvement in the accuracy of hospital ethnicity data. (Research letter) New Zealand Medical Journal 2011; 124 (1340): 96-7.

Sarfati D, Tan L, Blakely T, Pearce N. Comorbidity among patients with colon cancer in New Zealand. New Zealand Medical Journal 2011; 124 (1338): 76-88

Sarfati D, Shaw C, Blakely T, Atkinson J, Stanley J. Ethnic and Socioeconomic trends in testicular cancer incidence in New Zealand. International Journal of Cancer 2011; 128 (7): 1683-91.


Cunningham R, Shaw C, Blakely T, Atkinson J, Sarfati D.Ethnic and socioeconomic trends in breast cancer incidence in New Zealand. BMC Cancer 2010: 10: 674.

O'Brien I, Britton E, Sarfati D, Naylor W, Borman B, Ellison-Loschmann L, Simpson A, Borman B, Atkinson C. The Voice of Experience: Results from Cancer Control New Zealand's first national cancer care survey. New Zealand Medical Journal 2010; 123 (1325)

Hill S, Sarfati D, Blakely T, Robson B, Purdie G, Chen J, Dennett E, Cormack D, Cunningham R, Dew K, McCreanor T, Kawachi I. Ethnic disparities in treatment of Māori and non-Māori New Zealanders with colon cancer. Cancer 2010; 116: 3205-14.

Sarfati D, Hill S, Blakely T, Robson B. Is bowel cancer screening important for Māori? (Invited editorial). New Zealand Medical Journal 2010; 123 (1320): (online).

Sarfati D, Shaw C, Simmonds S. Commentary: Inequalities in cancer screening programmes. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39: 766-8.

Sarfati D, Hill S, Purdie G, Dennett E, Blakely T. How well does routine hospitalisation data capture information on comorbidity in New Zealand?New Zealand Medical Journal 2010; 123 (1310): 50-61.

Sarfati D, Blakely T, Pearce N. Measuring cancer survival in populations: relative survival vs cancer-specific survival. Int J Epidemiol 2010; 39: 598-610.

Hill S, Sarfati D, Blakely T, Robson B, Purdie G, Chen J, Dennett E, Cormack D, Cunningham R, Dew K, McCreanor T, Kawachi I. Survival disparities in Indigenous and non-Indigenous New Zealanders with colon cancer: the role of patient comorbidity, treatment and health service factors. J Epidemiol Community Health 2010; 64: 117-123

Hill S, Sarfati D, Blakely T, Robson B. Ethnicity and cancer treatment in New Zealand: do Maori patients get a worse deal?J Epidemiol Community Health 2009; 63: 13

Shaw C, Atkinson J, Blakley T. (Mis)classification of ethnicity on the New Zealand Cancer Registry: 1981-2004. New Zealand Medical Journal 2009; 122 (1294): 10-22

Cunningham R, Sarfati D, Hill S, Dennett E, O'Donnell A. Colon cancer management in New Zealand: 1996-2003. New Zealand Medical Journal 2009; 122 (1294): 51-60

Blakely T, Sarfati D, Shaw C. What proportion of cancer is due to obestiy?New Zealand Medical Journal 2009; 122 (1290): 9-13

Jeffreys M, Sarfati D, Vladimir S, Tobias M, Lewis C, Pearce N, Blakely T. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cancer Survival in New Zealand: The Role of Extent of Disease at Diagnosis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009; 18 (3): 915-921

Sarfati D, Hill S, Blakely T, Robson B, Purdie G, Dennett E, Cormack D, Dew K. The effect of comorbidity on the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and survival from colon cancer: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Cancer 2009; 9 (116)

Cunningham R, Sarfati D, Hill S, Kenwright D. An Audit of Colon Cancer Data on the New Zealand Cancer Registry. New Zealand Medical Journal 2008; 121 (1279): 46-56.

Tracey MC, Soeberg M, Blakely T. Mapping progress: the evaluation and monitoring work of the Cancer Control Council of New Zealand 2005-2007. New Zealand Medical Journal 2008; 121 (1279): 75-83.

Shaw C, Cunningham R, Sarfati D. From screening criteria to colorectal cancer screening – what can New Zealand learn from other countries?New Zealand Medical Journal 2008; 121 (1279): 84-95.

Sarfati D, Blakely T, Hill S. The epidemiology of relative survival analysis. Australasian Epidemiologist 2008; 15.1: 21-3.

Sarfati D, Blakely T, Shaw C, Cormack D, Atkinson J. Patterns of disparity: ethnic and socio-economic trends in breast cancer mortality in New Zealand. Cancer Causes and Control 2006; 17 (5): 671-8.

Shaw C, Blakely T, Sarfati D, Fawcett J, Peace J. Trends in colorectal cancer mortality by ethnicity and socioeconomic position in New Zealand 1981-1999: One country, many stories. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2006; 30 (1): 64-70.

Shaw C, Blakely T, Sarfati D, Fawcett J, Hill S. Varying evolution of the New Zealand lung cancer epidemic by ethnicity and socioeconomic position (1981–1999).New Zealand Medical Journal 2005; 118: 1213

Other publications

Sarfati D, Gurney J, Stanley J, On Behalf of the C3 (Quantitative) Team. Cancer Care and Comorbidity (C3) Studies: Effect of comorbidity on care and cancer survival inequalities. Wellington: University of Otago 2014. (For copies please email

Cancer, Comorbidity and Care: Key findings from the C3 (Quantitative) Study.

Soeberg M, Blakely T, Sarfati D, Tobias M, Costilla R, Carter K, Atkinson J. CancerTrends: Trends in Survival by Ethnic and Socioeconomic Group, New Zealand 1991–2004. Wellington: University of Otago and Ministry of Health 2012.

Sarfati D, Soeberg M, Carter K, Pearce N, Blakely T. Relative versus cancer-specific survival: assumptions and potential bias. Wellington: University of Otago, Wellington, 2011.

Sarfati D, Shaw C, Atkinson J, Stanley J, Blakely T. Ethnic and socioeconomic trends in testicular cancer incidence in New Zealand. Wellington: University of Otago, Wellington, 2011.

Blakely T, Shaw C, Atkinson J, Tobias M, Bastiampillai N, Sloane K, Sarfati D, Cunningham R. CancerTrends: Trends in Incidence by Ethnic and Socioeconomic Group, New Zealand 1981-2004. Wellington: University of Otago and Ministry of Health 2010.


Cancer and Chronic Conditions (C3) research group
Department of Public Health
University of Otago, Wellington
PO Box 7343
Wellington South 6242
New Zealand
Tel +64 4 806 1807

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