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The Biostatistics Centre brings together academic biostatisticians who are methodological experts in health-related research, helping improve the quality of research, health knowledge and health outcomes. We welcome new collaborations with health researchers.


Contact us early and often

In order for you to undertake the highest quality research, it is important biostatisticians be involved from the development of your research question and design stage of projects.

Undergraduate and honours students should ask their supervisors to make contact with us.

If you are looking for a member of our Centre to supervise your research, please indicate that in your request form.

View our video for more about how we work with you

Engage with Biostatistics

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About us

  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Ethical guidelines
  • Authorship
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  • Short courses
  • Biostatistics Forum
  • Web resources
  • Analysis software
  • Data entry tips
  • Incomplete responses
Biostatistics team 2024 group thumbnail.

Our people

  • Meet our team
  • Research method expertise
  • Research directions
  • Postgraduate students


Biostatistics testimonials provides insight from researchers who have worked closely with our experts to advance the achievement of their research.

Read the biostatistics testimonials

News and events

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Christchurch and Wellington Campuses

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