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  • Upcoming funding opportunities
  • Discussion documents
  • Research related policy and procedures
  • External scholarships and fellowships
  • Summer studentships
  • Ethics committee procedures
  • Conferences and seminars

Advice and Support

  • Māori consultation
  • Advice to new researchers regarding eligibility for grants and awards
  • Support the development of applications/tenders etc to all funding sources
  • Provide assistance and advice for commercial research budgets to ensure that, wherever possible, all costs are considered and covered by the sponsor
  • Assistance with completing budget and application forms for contestable research grants
  • Assistance in establishment of appropriate clauses in contracts (checking contractual obligations)
  • Assistance with protection of Intellectual Property, Commercialisation and Technology Transfer Agreements
  • Assistance with Material Transfer and Confidentiality Agreements
  • Support for researchers - any queries or concerns are addressed promptly or referred on where appropriate


  • With funding bodies
  • With industry partners
  • With collaborators
  • With the Research and Enterprise Office in Dunedin


  • Summer Studentship programme
  • Process grant applications including, checking applications and budgets to ensure they meet Sponsor and Institutional requirements, obtaining UOC Host Institution signatures, photocopying required numbers of copies and couriering to funding bodies before the deadline
  • Ensure all necessary approvals are obtained before accounts are opened for research projects to begin – ethical consents etc
  • Records management – maintain copies of applications, contracts, sub-contracts and any correspondence relating to contracts
  • Maintain a UOC/CDHB database of all research for audit purposes
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