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Our process for sample submission

Please do not send your sample(s) until you have been given approval from the Otago Genomics Facility (OGF).

Samples delivered to us without approval will not be processed and may be returned for you to carry out the appropriate quality control.

  1. Please state your unique project number for all enquiries and sample submission.
  2. Download the OGF sample submission form. Instructions and examples are included in the form template.
  3. Send the following information to the OGF with the unique project ID in the subject:
    • The completed sample submission form.
    • All other relevant QC information, e.g. gel image, bioanalyser report.
  4. If your sample information meets pre-submission requirements you will be invited to submit samples to the facility.
  5. If your sample(s) do not meet pre-submission requirements one of our sequencing specialists will contact you to discuss your options.
  6. Once your samples have met OGF pre-submission requirements, you will be provided with courier information and we will arrange a suitable day for delivery.
    • One of our lab members will notify you when your sample(s) are received.
    • We will also contact you when internal QC (e.g. bioanalyser and qubit) requirements have been met.
    • If you are a University of Otago researcher, please contact OGF  and arrange a time to deliver your sample(s) to us.
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