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Talofa lava, Kia orana, Mālō e lelei, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Bula vinaka, Malo ni, Halo ola keta, Mauri, Fakatalofa lahi atu, Noa'ia, Bonjour and warm Pacific greetings.

To all of our students, parents and families from across Aotearoa and our Pacific nations, welcome to the University of Otago.

We are blessed with many Pacific leaders, teams, communities and programmes that are dedicated to our students' success. Our aspirations include success in their studies and as members of their communities and emerging leaders of the future.

On these pages you will meet some of our Pacific leaders and student support teams that work across the university:

Here at the Pacific Development Office we monitor and support the 'big picture' Pacific aspirations at our University village. These are described in our Pacific Strategic Framework. This framework is endorsed at the highest levels of the University of Otago and outlines our aspirations for leadership, academic excellence, research, external engagement and operational success through to 2030.

Pacific Strategic Framework 2022–2030 (PDF)

The University of Otago is a vibrant, ambitious and supportive place to study and, on behalf of our Pacific community at Otago, we offer our sincere welcome to our space and look forward to being part of your family's learning journey.

Pacific staff group photo with Pacific flags on the wall in the background

Pacific staff group photo taken in November 2023

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