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Aronga rangahau


Current ARCH Projects

'When you're 85, then I'll call you old': Age and identity in health care interactions 2017-

Diabetes Stories - Understanding the lived experience of people with diabetes in NZ 2014-

The ARCH Corpus of Health Interactions 2004-

Demystifying Addiction through Personal Stories 2012-

Communication in Surgical Encounters 2020-

Past ARCH Projects

We need to talk about polypharmacy: optimising multiple medication use by older adults 2020-2023

Communication in interpreted health encounters 2009-2021

General practitioners, patients and conversations about chronic pain 2017-2021

Observing Communication in 'high risk' ante-natal consultations: developing a model of shared understanding 2016-2018

TAbOO - Talking About Overweight and Obesity 2009-2018

Integrating health navigation and interpreter services for patients with limited English proficiency 2015-2016

Diabetes Tracking Study: Understanding Diabetes Management - Tracking Communication in Primary Care 2010-2014

Computers in the consultation 2010-2012

From talk to text: encoding medical notes in the general practice consultation  2008-2010

Tracking Study: Tracking health care interactions: patient-professional communication 2006-2010

Interaction Study: Exploring Clinical Decision-Making when Rationing is Explicit 2003- 2006

Related projects and collaborations

2023-2024 Conversations, connections and Community - Learning from/co-designing research on innovative vaccine delivery models for Maori and Pasifika:  Maria Stubbe, Jo Hilder, Marama Cole, Abby Dunlop, Sue Bibby, Mandy Sexton. In partnership with Kokiri Marae, Turanga Health, Horouta Pharmacy, Turuki Health, Te Kohao Health, Horouta Pharmacy, Oamaru Pacific Island Community Group, Awarua Whanau Services

2022-2023 Influenza in a Post-COVID World: Scoping study - Acceptability & Use of Public Health & Social Measures (NPIs):  Maria Stubbe, Mandy Sexton, Sue Bibby, with SHIVERS-V group (University of Auckland)

2021-2023 Evaluation of the IMAC COVID-19 Education, Training for the COVID-19 Vaccine Immunisation Programme: Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell, Jo Hilder, Abby Dunlop, Marama Cole, Sue Bibby, Mandy Sexton (ARCH), Gayl Humphrey, Mayor Pokino, Larisa Kartaleva, Azim  O'Shea (NIHI-University of Auckland), Kunal Kumar, Penny Zipfel (IMAC-University of Auckland)

2021-2023 A co-produced  toolbox to help young people navigate virtual mental health support:  Maria Stubbe, Rachel Tester, Tracey Gardiner Sue Garrett, Jo Hilder, Abby Dunlop, Tony Dowell (ARCH), with Nicole Gilbert, Soraya Kamau Brady (Te Paepae Arahi) and Niusha Aryan,  Neo Kenny, Caitlin McBride, Ellie Rukuwai, Maggie Shippam, Shay Tanirau, Joana Wilson (Piki Youth Co-Researcher Group)

2020-2021 Challenging consultations – learning effective engagement from the patient perspective:  Rachel Tester, Maria Stubbe, Jonathan Kennedy, Lesley Gray, Rona Carrol

2018-2021 Evaluation of Piki Pilot: Integrated Therapies for 18-25 year olds with mild to moderate mental distress:  Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell  Sarah Gordon, Rachel Tester, Dasha Fedchuk, Tracey Gardiner Jo Hilder, Sue Garrett, Abby Dunlop,  Fiona Mathieson

2019-2022 Family health history is the first genomic test. How (well) do we collect it?: Tony Dowell, Maria Stubbe (ARCH), Sara Filoche (PI), Regina Jeffries, Philip Wilcox, Karyn Paringatai, Rebecca Grainger (University of Otago)

2017 - 2018 The Handover Room: A Qualitative Enquiry into the Experience of Morning Clinical Handover for Acute Medical Teams: Sinead Donnelly, Dorothy Dinesh (CCDHB), Maria Stubbe, Kevin Dew (Victoria University of Wellington)

2014-2018  The development of a software algorithm to explore the rich content of consultation records:  Tony Dowell, Lynn McBain, Maria Stubbe, (ARCH), Tom Love (Sapere), Nikki Turner (Auckland Uni)

2012-2018 Communication in Surgical Encounters:  Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell, Lindsay Macdonald, Kevin Dew (ARCH) Sarah White, Prof. John Cartmill (Australian School of Advanced Medicine, Macquarie University)

2012– 2018 Metaphor in cognitive behaviour therapy:  Fiona Mathieson, Maria Stubbe, Jenny Jordan, Paul Merrick (Massey University), Janet Carter (Canterbury University), James Bennett-Levy (University of Sydney)

2014-2015 Demystifying Addiction Recovery:  Understanding Service User and Provider perspectives: Helen Moriarty, Rachel Tester, Maria Stubbe

2013-2014 Developing reflective practitioners through online video-based self-reflection: Maria Stubbe, Jo Hilder (with S. Gallagher (PI), J. Rountree, J. Millichamp, B. Drummond)

2012 – 2014 Cancer Care Journeys and Clinical Decision Making. Phase 1: Clinical Decision-making in Multidisciplinary Teams: Maria Stubbe with K. Dew, L. Signal, J. Stairmand, E. Dennett, J. Koea, A.Simpson, D. Sarfati, C. Cunningham , L. Batten,, L. Ellison-Loschmann,, J. Barton,, M. Holdaway

2012-2018Communication in Surgical Encounters:  Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell, Lindsay Macdonald, Kevin Dew (ARCH)Sarah White, Prof. John Cartmill (Australian School of Advanced Medicine, Macquarie University)

2012-2013Demystifying Addiction through Personal Stories – An Online Educational Resource:  Rachel Tester, Helen Moriarty, Maria Stubbe (in partnership with Ako Aoteoroa)

2010 -2011 Patients' and health professionals' perceptions of teamwork in primary care: Maria Stubbe, Sue Pullon, Eileen McKinlay, Lindsay Todd, Chris Badenhorst

2010-2011 Educating Healthcare Interpreters: Maria Stubbe, George Major & Jemina Napier (Macquarie University)

2009-2010 Learning to portray empathy: Helen Moriarty, Mark Huthwaite (Co-PIs), Barry Jackson, Rachel Tester, Maria Stubbe

2009-2010 NZ Families Living with Addiction: Helen Moriarty, Maria Stubbe (Co-PIs), Sophie Tapper, Bee Teng Lim

2009-2010 Driving Them to Drink: Maria Stubbe (with Helen Moriarty and Barry Jackson)

2006-2011 Lifestyle Talk and Advice in Clinical Consultations: Maria Stubbe, George Major, Sonya Morgan

2008-2013 Medical Notes Study From talk to text: encoding medical notes in the general practice consultation: Maria Stubbe, Tony Dowell, Kevin Dew, Helen Moriarty, Sue Vernall, Rachel Tester, Adam Harris

2008-2009 Patient questions: Julia De Bres, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Maria Stubbe

2008-2009 Use of opportunity for drug and alcohol advice in general practice: Helen Moriarty, Maria Stubbe, Laura Chen, Sarah Bradford

2008-2009 Calls to the Electricity and Gas Complaint Commissioner: Maria Stubbe (with Ann Weatherall, Victoria University of Wellington)

Higher degrees projects

2015-2022 Lucy Elkin (PhD)
Do your research? Investigating online vaccine information: A critical discourse analysis

2015-2020 Isabel Ross (PhD)
Looking inside the black box of the surgical consultation: A study of surgeons' and patients' shared understanding of decision-related information

2013-2019 Fiona Mathieson (PhD)
Metaphor in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

2015-2019 Denise Steers (PhD)
Gender mender, bender or defender: Understanding decision making in Aotearoa/New Zealand for people born with a variation in sex characteristics

2017-2018 Jessica La (MSc)Pain in medical consultations: A conversation analytic approach

2015-2017 Trevor Lloyd (MGP)
Histories of chest pain: history of the presenting complaint as recorded by different health care providers of patients presenting to a rural hospital with suspected acute myocardial infarction.

2013-2016 Justin Canty (PhD)
Children, Social Media, and the Trouble with “Bullying”: A Child-Centred Investigation of Definitions

2011-2012 Josh Barton (BA Hons)
Patient Resistance to Treatment Advice in Diabetes Consultation

2008-2009 John Gardner (MA) A study of medical consultations using Actor Network Theory

2007-2010 Sarah White (PhD)A structural analysis of surgeon-patient consultations

2006-2008 Sonya Morgan (MHSC)
Miscommunication in general practice consultations

Summer Student Projects

2018 Aliesha Su'a (School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington; Supervisors: Ann Weatherall and Maria Stubbe)

Interpreter-Mediated Interactions: Navigating the "va" between Samoan and English

2018 Brittany Manning (School of Psychology, Victoria University of Wellington; Supervisors: Ann Weatherall and Maria Stubbe)

Responses to Crying in Clinical Interactions

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