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In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), the University of Otago has an Worker Participation System in place.

Purpose of Part 3 of HSWA – Worker Participation Practices

'A PCBU ('person conducting a business or undertaking') must have practices that provide reasonable opportunities for workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking to participate effectively in improving work health and safety in the business or undertaking on an ongoing basis.'

The University must provide reasonable opportunities for workers to effectively participate in health and safety processes. This includes consideration of a number of work sites, numbers of workers, hazardous nature of the workplace, willingness of workers and unions to develop worker participation systems. Any approved code of practice for worker participation must be taken into account. If the H&S committee or representative makes a recommendation regarding H&S in the workplace, the University must either adopt the proposal or provide a written statement to the H&S Committee or representative setting out the reasons for not adopting the proposal.

The University of Otago Employee Participation System

The University of Otago Employee Participation System consists of:

  • Appointed Departmental Health & Safety Officers (DHSOs)
  • Elected Health & Safety Representatives (H&S Reps)
  • Documented DHSO job descriptions
  • A time allocation for DHSOs
  • A documented H&S Rep role description
  • A H&S Rep election process managed by the IUC
  • A risk/hazard notification process
  • A formal biennial review process

A working party has reviewed the Employee Participation System, including future changes due to the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. If you would like more information see below or contact Nevan Trotter (Health and Safety Advisor) at or (03) 479 5389

Download the University of Otago Employee Participation System agreement (April 2019) (PDF format, 162KB)

See a summary of framework changes

Andrea McMillan
Head, Health and Safety Compliance
Tel +64 3 479 7380

Nevan Trotter
Health and Safety Advisor
Tel +64 3 479 5389

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