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Study Human Resource Management at Otago

It’s about people

People are the life-blood of every organisation – without people organisations cannot function. Human Resource Management (HRM) gives you the skills, knowledge and practice to motivate employees to excel.

HRM teaches you the underlying principles of managing people in organisations, from how to ensure the right talent is in the right place at the right time, to dealing with poor performance and conflict. Not only does an HRM major provide you with practical tools, it also explores the strategic role of HRM in the organisation and how HRM practice can support and influence the strategic direction of an organisation.

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Why study Human Resource Management (HRM)?

People management skills are integral to the workplace of today, and Otago's HRM major will prepare you for the connected and collaborative workplace of tomorrow.

The skill set you will develop while studying HRM as either a major or minor subject, is important in any role that involves working with and leading people. HRM at Otago will equip you with skills and knowledge that will kick-start your career and give you great potential to play an important role in making sure organisations manage their most valuable resource – their people – as best they can.

HRM is perfect as both a stand-alone degree or to complement other areas of interest. During your studies at Otago you'll gain both knowledge and practical skills associated with HRM principles to enable you to acquire the right talent, in the right place and at the right time.

Career opportunities

The HRM major and minor will give you the skill set to apply for HRM roles in large or small, public or private organisations. These usually begin with HR administrator roles, with progress through to advisors and managers. Alternatively, you can specialise in areas such as employment relations, talent management, learning and development, or recruiting. The skill set gained in the HRM major will also enable you to enter graduate recruitment schemes.

Human Resource Management (HRM) at Otago

Student exchange

The University of Otago has exchange agreements with more than 90 institutions in over 30 countries. If your marks average B or better you may qualify to attend one of these institutions for one semester or a full year. You pay only your New Zealand fees and complete your qualification within the same timeframe as if you had never been away.

As an HRM student you are also encouraged to participate in one of the more than 50 specific business exchanges offered through the Otago Business School. The School also offers scholarships to assist students with their travel costs.

What you need to study

For a BCom majoring in HRM you must complete the following papers (and also meet BCom degree requirements including the completion of all BCom core BSNS papers):


BSNS 111 Business and Society
MANT 101 Managing for Performance


MANT 250 Managing People
MANT 251 Managing Organisations

Plus one further paper from:

MANT 217 International Management
MANT 222 Interpersonal and International Business Communication
MANT 252 Developing Responsible Leadership

300-level and beyond

MANT 345 Strategic Human Resource Management
MANT 346 Employment Relations

Plus two further papers from:

MANT 330 Leadership
MANT 339 Human Resource Development
MANT 347 Occupational Psychology

Degree options

Because HRM is focused on an organisation's most important asset – its people – completing an HRM major or minor alongside another discipline available in the BCom degree makes perfect sense. HRM also complements many disciplines studied outside the Business School, such as Gender Studies, Law, Psychology, and Sociology. Otago's flexible degree structures enable you to study HRM alongside many majors. Human Resource Management can also be one of the two majors that comprise a BACom or BComSc combined degree.

Background required

There are no formal prerequisite subjects to study HRM at 100-Level – you don't even have to have studied business subjects before. However, because all Business students complete a set of compulsory core papers, and because of the importance of communication to organisational life, it is recommended that you study English, Mathematics or Statistics at high school.


Human Resource Management as a minor subject for a BA, MusB, BPA, BTheol, BSc, BCom, BEntr, BHealSc, BACom, BASc or BComSc degree

Available as a minor subject for a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Music (MusB), Bachelor of Performing Arts (BPA), Bachelor of Theology (BTheol), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom), Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (BEntr), Bachelor of Health Science (BHealSc), Bachelor of Arts and Commerce (BACom), Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) or Bachelor of Commerce and Science (BComSc) degree


MANT 101 Managing for Performance



MANT 250 Managing People



MANT 345 Strategic Human Resource Management

MANT 346 Employment Relations



One of
MANT 217 International Management
MANT 222 Interpersonal/International Business Communication
MANT 251 Managing Organisations
MANT 252 Developing Responsible Leadership
MANT 330 Leadership
MANT 339 Human Resource Development
MANT 347 Occupational Psychology


Total 90

HURM papers

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