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Current projects

International School Leadership Development Network (2021)

This international project is now entering the second decade of research. An edited book was published in 2021 sharing the findings from the first decade. Barnett, B.G. and Woods, P.A (Eds.) (2021). Educational leadership for social justice and improving high-needs schools: Findings from 10 years of international collaboration. Information Age Publishing, Inc. Chapter 8 in this volume reflects on the studies undertaken in New Zealand and Australia. As a member of this network, Dr Sylvia Robertson is working with a group that are planning new directions for research.

From guidelines to perception to practice: Preparing for leadership of high-needs primary schools in Aotearoa New Zealand (2020/21)

This research aims to understand how the newly released government leadership strategy will influence school leadership preparation and practice in high-needs primary schools.

Past projects

International Successful School Principalship Project (2008–2011)

Phase 1 of the project asked two key questions:

  1. How do successful principals come to be successful?
  2. How do they learn about their work and acquire the skills needed to create and sustain school improvement

New Zealand findings of this phase of the project were reported in:

Notman, R. & Henry, A. (2009) The human face of principalship: A synthesis of case study findings. Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and Practice, 24, 1, 37-52.

Phase 2 of this project investigates factors that have sustained the success of a sample of New Zealand primary and secondary school principals since the original site visits in 2008.

The findings from Phase 2 were published in an edited book:
Notman, R. (Ed) (2011) Successful educational leadership in New Zealand: Case studies of schools and an early childhood centre. Wellington: NZCER Press.

Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (2011)

This contracted research project investigated the impact of the values statement in the New Zealand Curriculum (2007) on teaching and learning practices in a sample of intermediate and secondary schools. The project was funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Education.

Pathways to Teacher Leadership (2014)

his study compares the experiences of early career teachers as they contemplate leadership positions in their schools, their motivations and the barriers they face.

Co-investigator: Dr Deidre Torrance, Edinburgh University.

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