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GATE High School Visit

15th June 2015

Monitor view of Rangi Ruru Students in SimMan3G scenario at Sim CentreSenior students from the Rangi Ruru Girls' High School Gifted and Talented Education (“GATE”) programme recently visited the UOC Simulation Centre.

This is the second year this visit has occurred and the Centre are planning on extending an invitation to other high schools to participate.

Dr Laura Joyce gives a suturing demonstration to Rangi Ruru students at the Sim CentreThe girls practiced some of the procedural skills the MBChB undergraduate students learn at the Centre including examining ears and eyes, basic resuscitation and testing mock urine samples as well as watching "Alex” (SimMan3G) in action and seeing how a simulation runs from behind the scenes.

They also enjoyed a suturing demonstration from Christchurch ED Consultant and Rangi "old girl", Dr Laura Joyce.

Medical Simulation Symposium

28 April 2015

The team at the Simulation Centre were very pleased to have the opportunity to assist Professor Spencer Beasley in organising the Medical Simulation Symposium, recently held in the Rolleston Theatre.

Tony Gallagher, Carla Pugh, Spencer Beasley and Richard Hanney at Medical Simulation Symposium 28 April 2015

The one-day symposium featured international speakers Tony Gallagher, Carla Pugh and Richard Hanney, alongside some excellent local speakers talking about simulation in healthcare, with a particular focus on training and assessment.

The high calibre of speakers ensured that day attracted a large number of attendees, both local and international, from a range of disciplines.

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we are grateful to everyone that helped make the day such a success.

GENA730 Residential Week

20 - 23 April 2015

The Otago University Department of General Practice and Rural Health recently held the residential week of their postgraduate paper "Trauma and Emergencies in Rural Hospitals" at the Simulation Centre.

Rural emergency medicine students in action at Simulation Centre

This was an opportunity for the UOCSC team to work together with the paper convenors, Dr Marc Gutenstein and Dr Sampsa Kiuru, and put together 4 days of intensive learning which included a mixture of skills based learning, lectures and simulated cases involving both adult and paediatric patients/simulators (SimMan3G and SimJunior).

SimJunior during rural emergency medicine residential at Simulation Centre

The week was a great success and the Centre would be keen to continue this collaboration if the opportunity presents again in the future.

New York Medical School Student

19 January - 12 March 2015

The UOC Simulation Centre was very pleased to be able to host Cara Kanter, a final year medical student from New York University, for an 8 week period over the summer.

Cara was recommended to the Simulation Centre by our previous New York visitor, Dr Demian Szyld. Cara spent her time here working on her "Scholarly Concentrations Programme" project. This programme operates during the final year of study and is intended to provide students with the opportunity to explore an area of interest in greater depth. Students work together with experts in their chosen discipline to develop a research plan which results in the prepration and submission of a scholarly product, output or report.

While she was here, Cara worked on a project developing a self-reflection assessment tool designed to be used by students in conjunction with video recordings of their own performance in simulated scenarios.  The project was in collaboration with paediatrician Dr Tony Walls and was supervised by Simulation Centre Director, Dr MaryLeigh Moore.

Cara was also involved with some undergraduate clinical skills teaching and enjoyed the opportunity to explore the South Island during her weekends.

IMSH Conference

9 - 16 January 2015

John Dean travelled to New Orleans earlier this year to attend the 15th annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare ("IMSH"). This is the annual conference of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare ("SSIH") and was held over four days (plus three days of pre-conference activities) and attracted more than 3000 delegates from 75 countries.

John attended a number of useful sessions before and during the conference and was also able to reconnect with some of the contacts he has made through his role as chair of New Zealand Association for Simulation in Healthcare ("NZASH"), as the NZASH representative on the SSH Affiliations Committee, and his visit to IMSH last year.

Further information regarding the conference and the SSIH can be found at their website or you can contact John who would be happy to share his experiences over a coffee!

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