Simulated Patient Program Visit
August 2013
Dr MaryLeigh Moore was recently invited to visit Mt Gambier in South Australia by the Greater Green Triangle University Department of Rural Health ("GGTUDRH") to learn about their volunteer simulated-patient program and also take part in a "train the trainer" workshop where volunteers (as opposed to professional actors) were trained to contribute to simulation-based education.
Read the local newspaper report on the visit.
The visit will be reciprocated next year when members from the simulation team at GGTUDRH will visit Christchurch to continue the exchange of ideas.
While in South Australia MaryLeigh was also able to spend a morning visiting the very impressive clinical skills and simulation facilities at the Flinders School of Nursing and Midwifery in Adelaide.
PAT:CH Training Day
5th September 2013
The Paediatric Anaesthesia Teaching, Christchurch (PAT:CH) training day was held at the University of Otago, Christchurch Simulation Centre for a second year running.
This year's program included a newborn resuscitation scenario which was well-received by the participants, who again were a mix of anaesthetic registrars, technicians and theatre and recovery nurses.
It was another succesful day and those attending enjoyed the mix of lectures, paper-based case discussions and scenarios utilising the paediatric simulators, SimJunior and SimNewB.
The Centre is pleased to be part of this continuing collaboration with the Anaesthetic Department at the Christchurch Hospital.
UOCSC Simulation Workshop
21st August 2013
The UOC Simulation Centre recently ran a workshop for local health and education professionals with an interest in simulation-based education.
The day included presentations on:
- educational underpinnings and overview of simulation;
- principles and practice of scenario writing; and
- approaches to debriefing
plus practical group activities including:
- developing a scenario;
- running and participating in scenarios using SimMan3G; and
- debriefing.
Interest was very high and attracted participants from CDHB, CPIT, UOC and Pegasus Health.
The workshop was a success and attendees enjoyed building and consolidating their skills in simulation-based education as well as the opportunity to network and share knowledge.
UOC Simulation Centre staff hope to develop and deliver further workshops in the future.
Clinical Skills in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: An Overview Map
The Faculty is working toward ensuring that clinical skills learning is consistent and coordinated for all students.
Members of the Clinical Skills Subcommittee have developed a "clinical skills map" and included not only the specific skills but also Faculty expectations of what level of learning the students should achieve at each stage of training (by the end of year 3, year 5 and year 6).
Read the full overview map in PDF format.