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Rethinking Colonialism and its legacies in New Zealand and beyond

The Centre for Research on Colonial Culture was launched at the University of Otago in July 2012.  It consists of a particularly productive network of researchers of international standing seeking to produce new historical understandings of colonialism, the development of colonial cultures, and the role of empires in shaping the modern world, with particular relevance to New Zealand and the Pacific region.

Research excellence

Since its inception the Centre has developed a reputation for international excellence through a sequence of influential conferences, symposia and workshops that have fostered debate, advanced original research, and seeded new collaborations.

We support innovative and collaborative research. The Centre has supported the creation of the Marsden Online Archive and contributes to Global Dunedin. Both projects demonstrate the global significance of Dunedin's local histories and archives.

"The Centre for Research on Colonial Culture is recognized internationally as a vibrant node of transnational research excellence. Its enviable programme of activities and speakers draws together top-flight scholars from across the globe and enables conversation and intersections that explore the lateral connections between colonial cultures of the global south".

Isabel Hofmeyr, Professor of African Literature, University of the Witwatersrand and Visiting Distinguished Global Professor, New York University

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