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Students who have completed a BA Honours or Postgraduate Diploma in the subject at a satisfactory level (normally A- or above) are welcome to apply for an MA.

Please note that the following requirements are internal to the Department of English. You must also apply to the Division of Humanities for an MA. If you wish to apply for a scholarship, that requires a further additional application. However, the first step is to arrange the support of the Department by completing the form below.

New Coursework Master of Arts programme for Humanities students

From 2018 the University of Otago is offering a new pathway within the Master of Arts, a 180-point coursework option.
The Coursework Master of Arts (Coursework MA) programme is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary grounding for Humanities students in a range of subjects as preparation for further study or future employment. The programme will take either 12 months or three semesters of full-time study to complete. The programme can also be studied part-time.
Find out more about the new Coursework Master of Arts programme.

For more details about postgraduate study in the Department, see the English Department Postgraduate Handbook.

Making an application

All students interested in postgraduate study at Otago must complete the simple online information sheet below that will be forwarded automatically to the Departmental postgraduate coordinator. Please ensure you have carefully read the instructions and information on the supporting web pages before submitting your form.

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