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The University requires that any research involving human participants and/or animals is conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Supervisors must ensure that the candidate's research project complies with all of the requirements of the University's ethics policy. Where appropriate, compliance includes ethical approval from the relevant ethics committee.

Gaining ethical approval and related information

Intellectual property

It is the University's desire to encourage and reward innovative research work within the University which leads to the creation of intellectual property (IP).

To encourage such research within the graduate research student community (i.e. thesis Masters' and PhD students), and following extensive consultation with these students, the University adopted a policy for Intellectual Property Rights of Graduate Research Students. Candidates and supervisors should become familiar with this policy.

Intellectual Property Rights of Graduate Research Students Policy

Should a candidate be creating potentially valuable intellectual property, this should be discussed with a Business Development Manager at the Research and Enterprise Office, so that timely advice on its protection can be given.

Business Development Managers

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