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Contact Details

+64 4 832 3123
Associate Professor
Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice (Wellington)
Research summary
Back pain; interprofessional education


Ben’s main research foci are low back pain and interprofessional education.

Ben has explored practitioner and patient attitudes and beliefs related to low back pain and influences upon these. He is currently investigating ways to positively influence these beliefs to improve back pain outcomes.

Ben is part of the Department’s interprofessional teaching team and is currently examining the short term outcomes of a brief undergraduate teaching initiative. He is also leading the Longitudinal Interprofessional (LIP) Study which will investigate changes in interprofessional attitudes and skills over the final year of health professional training and the first three years of professional practice. It will also explore if undergraduate interprofessional education influences these skills and attitudes or the career pathway of these graduates. This study involves participants from the disciplines of dentistry, dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, oral health, pharmacy, and physiotherapy.

Ben is also involved in research exploring primary care prevalence and utilisation for childhood illness and patient beliefs about osteoarthritis. He is a member of the University of Otago’s Pain and Arthritis research themes.


Filbay, S. R., Ferreira, G. E., Metcalf, B., Buchbinder, R., Ramsay, H., Abbott, J. H., Darlow, B., … Hinman, R. S. (2024). Prioritisation of clinical trial learning needs of musculoskeletal researchers: An inter-disciplinary modified Delphi study by the Australia & New Zealand musculoskeletal clinical trials network. BMC Medical Education, 24(1), 735. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05732-4 Journal - Research Article

Darlow, B., Stotter, G., & McKinlay, E. (2024). Private practice model of physiotherapy: Professional challenges identified through an exploratory qualitative study. Journal of Primary Health Care, 16(2), 143-150. doi: 10.1071/hc23150 Journal - Research Article

Stotter, G., McKinlay, E., & Darlow, B. (2024). Advanced practice physiotherapists in primary health care: Stakeholders' views of a new scope of practice. Journal of Primary Health Care, 16(2), 160-169. doi: 10.1071/hc24029 Journal - Research Article

Numanovic, P., Darlow, B., & larsson, M. E. H. (2024). The Swedish version of the Back Pain Attitudes Questionnaire: Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, 72, 102984. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2024.102984 Journal - Research Article

Kovanur Sampath, K., Darlow, B., Tumilty, S., Shillito, W., Fairs, E., Devan, H., & Thomson, O. P. (2024). “Disproportionate Olympic rings”: The usage of a biopsychosocial (BPS) framework of care when managing people with musculoskeletal pain by osteopaths in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A qualitative study. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.ijosm.2024.100728 Journal - Research Article

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