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Students across the Division of Humanities now have the opportunity to make connections with employers and gain valuable workplace experience through internships.

Completing an internship can enhance students' employability on completion of their qualifications.

What is the Humanities Internship and who is it for?

The Humanities internship is a paper for undergraduate (HUMS301) and postgraduate (HUMS401) full-time students from any of the Humanities disciplines*.

For one day per week for 13 weeks students will be based with an organisation and will work on a project for them. The work will be negotiated between the student, the organisation and the supporting academic programme. It will provide academic, work-base and personal skill development and enhance students' post-study employability.

(*The Humanities disciplines include all Arts subjects, as well as Law, Theology, Social Work, Music and Performing Arts.)

Download the Project Approval form

Download the Preliminary Project Approval form (PDF)

Selection criteria for entry to the paper

There is no automatic right of entry for admission to either HUMS301 or HUMS401.

Entry to HUMS301 / HUMS401 must be approved by both the Academic Programme liaison person and the HUMS301 / HUMS401 co-ordinator before a student's admission to this paper is formally signed off.

All students must discuss their admission and the proposed internship with the Academic Programme liaison person prior to applying for admission to the paper.

While academic achievement is a critically important element, it must be supported by personal and interpersonal skills of a high order.

Essential requirements for the selection process

  1. An academic record demonstrating high grades (normally a B+ average) over the previous year's level of study.
  2. Endorsement by an academic programme.

What are the assessment requirements for the paper?

There will be three components to the assessment:

1. Reflective Field Notes – 25%

In this exercise, students will complete a weekly diary of work events that they reflect upon, comparing practice to theory and the differences experienced by them as interns.

2. Presentation – 15%

Students deliver a 10-minute presentation at an end-of-semester symposium, outlining their internship experience.

3. A report or a portfolio for submission at the end of placement – 60%

This report/portfolio is designed to develop students' research skills within a work environment, using a variety of sources from both the work place and their University papers; and to achieve a quantifiable outcome.

For more information, contact the Humanities co-ordinator:

Associate Professor Andrew Moore
HUMS301 / HUMS401 Co-ordinator
Tel +64 3 479 8729

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