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If you are under 18 when you enter the University of Otago, it's important you read the following information, so you are aware of the obligations that apply to you.

It's important that your parents or legal guardian also read this information.


As you will be under 18 years old when you start at the University of Otago, the Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code)* requires that you must live in one of the following kinds of accommodation:

  • a homestay
  • Aquinas Residential College
  • Salmond Residential college
  • Toroa Residential College
  • with a Designated Caregiver
  • with your parents.

You may not live in any other type of accommodation while you are under 18.

Under exceptional circumstances the University of Otago may approve staying with a designated caregiver.

For further information, contact:


If you are an international pathway or English language student seeking to stay with a designated caregiver, contact:


Note: Accommodation is subject to the approval of the University of Otago.

Contact details

While you are under 18, the University must have up to date contact details of your parents or legal guardian. Please contact the International Student Advisers and we'll send you a form for your parents to complete.

Quarterly meetings and reports

While you are under 18, you must meet on a regular basis with an International Student Adviser to discuss your academic progress, accommodation, general health and well-being and any concerns you may have. If we are concerned about your welfare or academic progress, we will send a report to your parents or legal guardian. You are, of course, able to meet with us at any other time as well.


As part of the enrolment process, you must register for, and attend, an Orientation Enrolment Seminar offered during the week prior to the start of the semester. You should identify yourself as an Under 18 student to the International Student Adviser (ISA) giving the seminar. You will be asked to come to the International Office to meet with an ISA, who will check that all the required documents for you have been received.

Note: You will be unable to complete Course Approval until all required documents have been received.


Please feel free to contact us directly should you have any questions about these procedures or other aspects of being an under 18 international student at the University of Otago.


If you are an international pathway or English language student:


We look forward to meeting you!

* The University of Otago is a signatory to The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code), which supports the wellbeing of tertiary and international learners enrolled with New Zealand education providers. The Code sets out the requirements that education providers must meet for the wellbeing and safety of their learners.
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