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Check out these marine theme activities for children. Educators and families are welcome to use these resources in the interests of marine education and conservation.

See our resources to download page for more activities, games and resources.

Hector's Dolphin puppets

dolphinpuppet Hector's Dolphins are found only in New Zealand and are one of the rarest dolphins in the world.

Download instructions and template to make a Hector's Dolphin puppet (PDF file, 165 KB)

Deep sea board game

deepoceandive Strange and mysterious creatures live in the deep ocean.

Download and print this board game to meet some of these creatures - and see if you can find the elusive Colossal Squid! (PDF file, 751 KB)

Rocky shore colouring book

colouringbook Who eats who on the rocky shore? This educational colouring book contains information about food webs from plankton to top predators.

Download the book and learn as you colour! (PDF file, 2.9 MB)

Mudflat mysteries activity book

mudflatactivitybook This educational activity book features the animals and plants that live between the tides on New Zealand's muddy shores. Spot the clues that tell you what lives beneath the surface!

Download the book, try the activities and colour in the pictures! (PDF file, 4 MB)

Squid diorama

squiddiorama Colossal squid are one of the favourite foods of sperm whales. Sperm whales dive to great depths to hunt their prey.

Download the template and instructions for the squid diorama (PDF file, 356 KB)

Sea lion board game

sealiongame Follow the development of rare New Zealand sea lions.

Download and print this board game and follow the ups and downs of the sea lion life cycle (JPEG file, 1.7 MB)

And there's more…

computerfish The NZ Marine Studies Centre has a wide range of marine resources that link to our education programmes. Educators and families are welcome to use any of our resources in the interests of marine education and conservation.

There are lots more games on our resources to download page.

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