The four distance-taught papers are internally assessed through assignments and attendance at compulsory videoconference lectorials.
Final Examination Only enrolment
A student who has failed to pass a paper may apply for Final Examination Only enrolment. If the application is approved, the student is permitted to have internal assessment results and attendance carried over in the paper, and to complete the necessary requirements again without attending any part of the course.
Apply for Final Examination Only enrolment (PDF)
Special consideration
You can apply for special consideration if you consider that acute illness or other exceptional circumstances beyond your control, at the time of an assessment, or in the 14-day period immediately prior to it:
- Prevented you from completing, or
- Seriously impaired your performance in an assessment
Apply for special consideration (PDF)
All official University of Otago results are posted on e Vision approximately six weeks after your examination.
To access eVision
- Please go to your eVision portal
- Log in ( Your username and password is the same as you used to access Blackboard)
- Examinations and Results is one of the drop down menus
- Your result will be recorded there. It will be one of two options: Pass or Fail
A hard paper copy is no longer sent to students.
Once you have finished either the Diploma or Certificate you need to apply to graduate. The first step is to advise the University of your intention to graduate:
- Log in to the eVision student portal
- Navigate to your “Home” page
- Select “Your graduation application”
- Complete the questions and submit your application
On sucessfully submitting your application, an email notifictaion will be sent to your nominated email address.
You can choose whether to graduate in person or in absentia. If you graduate in person, you will be 'capped' by the Chancellor and your degree or diploma will be presented to you on stage at the ceremony.
If you graduate in absentia, you do not attend the ceremony. Your name will be listed in the ceremony booklet (but not read out at the ceremony) and your degree or diploma will be sent to you by courier in the week following the ceremony, or if you are in Dunedin, you can come and collect it.
Even if you choose to graduate in absentia, your qualification can be awarded only at an official graduation ceremony.
Further information on graduation, including dates
If you wish to contact the Graduation Office: graduation@otago.ac.nz
Further information
Distance Learning Coordinator
Department of Women's and Children's Health
Otago Medical School
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
Tel Ask Otago 0800 808 098
Email admin.obgypostgrad@otago.ac.nz