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Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this event has been postponed to 2021.

Celebrating 50 years of the Mozart Fellowship

Join us to celebrate this special anniversary.

Programme of events

Date and time

Event and venue

7 August 2020

5:30-6:30pm Registration
Marama Hall
6:00-7:45pm Dinner
Staff Club
8:00-9:30pm First celebration concert
Marama Hall

8 August 2020

10:30-11:00am Coffee on arrival
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
11:00am-12:00pm Lecture by Professor Anthony Ritchie
St David Lecture Theatre
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
1:00-2:00pm Lecture by Dame Gillian Whitehead
St David Lecture Theatre
2:00-3:00pm Panel discussion
St David Lecture Theatre
3:00-3:30pm Afternoon tea
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
3:30-5:00pm Film session and panel discussion
St David Lecture Theatre

Reception (canapes and beverages)
Staff Club

8:00-9:30pm Second celebration concert
Marama Hall

9 August 2020

10:30-11:00am Coffee on arrival
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
11:00am-12:00pm Lecture by Michael Norris
St David Lecture Theatre
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
1:00-2:00pm Hocken Library visit
2:00-3:00pm Lecture by Martin Lodge
St David Lecture Theatre
3:00-3.30pm Afternoon tea
St David Lecture Theatre foyer
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