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Steve Eastall
Health and Safety Adviser
Tel: +64 21 078 9967
Office hours: 9:00am – 12:45pm Monday to Friday


  • Manages the School's Health and Safety and emergency management policies and procedures. Ensures that these comply with the Universities policies and procedures and with legislative requirements including the Health and Safety at Work Act, 2015 and the University's Health and Safety policy.
  • Chair's the UOW Health and Safety committee
  • Oversees the ongoing development, maintenance and implementation of the UOW's Emergency Plan ensuring that WSM&HS is appropriately prepared for emergencies
  • Is the University of Otago, Wellington's Chief Fire Officer and Civil Defence Co-ordinator and is responsible for overseeing the evacuation of the University of Otago, Wellington in the event of a fire, earthquake, bomb threat or other emergency.
  • Is responsible for ensuring that all new staff are aware of the University of Otago, Wellington Health and Safety policies especially computer safety.
  • Arranges and oversees training for all School staff in Health and Safety matters including computer safety, emergency procedures, and fire safety and civil defence duties.

Health and safety information for staff

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