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Technology Services / Ratonga Hangarau - ITSS Wellington Hub

The ITSS Wellington Hub is a part of the Shared Services Division of the University of Otago.

Our purpose is to facilitate and support teaching, research, and administration in the University of Otago Wellington, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, through the provision of computer resources including audio-visual and video-conferencing services.

If you have a problem with your computer or have a computer related or service question please contact AskOtago at the outset:

AskOtago on 0800 80 80 98

The Service Desk has expertise in applications use, Mac and Windows computers, and is responsible for email and other centralized services.

If AskOtago cannot resolve the problem or if it requires a local solution the call will be allocated to the ITSS Wellington Team who provide second level support.

The UOW Technology Services Service Catalogue contains information about the specific services and resources we provide.

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