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The Health, Safety and Wellbeing team provide a safe workplace for you, your fellow workers, students and visitors.

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Instructions for logging an incident in our portal (DOCX)

Health & safety management

Entrance_to_the_LinkThe University of Otago is committed to providing a safe and healthy place of work for staff, students and visitors. The Health and Safety management structure supports and facilitates the development of health and safety policies, defines responsibilities and ensures open communication on health and safety issues.

Find out more about Health & Safety management

Healthy work

Pathology_laboratory_students_and_instructorThe Occupational Health Service aims to provide comprehensive support and advice to both managers and individuals on the prevention of work related ill-health, the support of those at work with health problems and the promotion of health and wellbeing.

Find out more about occupational health

Risk and hazard management

Marine_Science_laboratory_studentsThe Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires a person conducting a business or undertaking to proactively identify and manage risks and hazards so everyone is safe and healthy in the workplace. There are systematic risk and hazard management processes to identify potential and actual sources of harm. When risks and hazards are recognised, the university is able to put controls in place to prevent harm to workers.

Find out more about risk and hazard management

Health and safety training

The Health and Safety Training online bookings page can be accessed from here.

Health & safety A-Z

The Health and Safety A-Z is designed to be your one-stop-shop for finding Health & Safety information.

Visit the Health & Safety A-Z page

Safety Matters video

View the Safety Matters video

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