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Politics paper offerings for 2025


Semester 1

  • POLS 104 International Relations – Introduction
  • POLS 105 Comparative Politics – Introduction

Semester 2

  • POLS 102 Aotearoa New Zealand Politics – Introduction
  • POLS 110 Political Ideas in Action


Semester 1

Semester 2

  • POLS 213 New Zealand Foreign Policy
  • POLS 224 Current Issues in Environmental Politics
  • POLS 237 New Zealand Government and Constitution

Not offered in 2025

  • POLS 202 Theories of Justice
  • POLS 208 Democracy
  • POLS 216 Politics of the European Union
  • POLS 218 Interventions, Peacekeeping and the Global South
  • POLS 228 Contemporary Issues in Global Politics
  • POLS 230 Special Topic

200-level recommendations and options

We highly recommend students consider taking ENGL228 Writing for the Professions. This paper will help develop your skills at writing memos, letters, proposals and reports.

For further information, please contact:


One of the following can be substituted for one 200-level POLS paper:


Summer school

Semester 1

  • POLS 307 Nature, Conflict, and the State
  • POLS 315 Nationalism and Identity
  • POLS 319 Te Tiriti / Treaty Politics
  • POLS 323 Marxism: Classical & Contemporary
  • POLS 325 International Relations: Concepts and Theories

Semester 2

Not offered in 2025

  • POLS 303 New Zealand's Political Economy
  • POLS 306 Politics and the Media in New Zealand
  • POLS 308 United States Foreign Policy since 1945
  • POLS 330 Special Topic
  • POLS 375 Human Rights – From the Cradle to the Grave

Paper substitutions

The following papers can be substituted for a 300-level POLS paper:

  • CLAS 346 Power and Politics in Roman and Modern Times
  • HUMS 301 Internship Practicum - Relevant work experience undertaken in an approved workplace, enabling the application of skills acquired in an academic environment.


Semester 2

  • POLS 413 Political Theory for the Environment
    A paper in PPE co-taught with POLS513

Not offered in 2025

  • POLS 475 The Ethics and Politics of Resistance
    Co-taught with POLS 512


Semester 1

  • POLS 501 The 'Political': Theory and Practice
  • POLS 520 New Zealand Government and Politics
  • POLS 541 International Relations and Global South

Semester 2

  • POLS 513 Political Theory for the Environment
  • POLS 540 International Relations Theory
  • POLS 550 Comparative Regional Conflicts

Not offered in 2025

  • POLS 512 The Ethics of Politics of Resistance
  • POLS 521 Politics and Society

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