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Sally Shaw 2022 Image BA (Hons) York, MSc (Sheffield), PhD (De Montfort)
Tel +64 3 479 5037
Twitter: @shawshaw27


Sally teaches in the area of sport management, with a specific focus on organisational theory and organisational sociology. Her research includes the critical examination of gender and sexuality issues in sport organisations. She also focuses on other aspects of sport organisational life, such as nonprofit governance and organisational partnerships. Sally has an extensive international publication record and is a Research Fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management (@nassm) as well as being a member of the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (@sportscholars). In addition Sally is an editorial board member of the Sport Management Review journal (ranked #1 in Sport Management) and the Journal of Sport Management (ranked #3 in Sport Management).

Sally's research students have studied topics as diverse as heteronormativity in sport organisations; women in sport management; the gendered nature of injury in water polo; experiences of female coaches; dynamic work experiences of breast cancer survivors; active transport to school; and ambush marketing at the Rugby World Cup 2011.



Professor Shaw undertakes research in three main areas: gender in sport  organisations; sexuality in sport organisations; and sport organisation  governance. She has published widely in the top international sport management  journals and has been a presenter and invited speaker at the Sport Management  Association of Australia and New Zealand and the North American Society of  Sport Management conferences. Overviews of Professor Shaw's work can be found in:
Hassan, D. & Lusted J. (Eds.)(2013). Managing Sport: Social  and Cultural Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge;
Henry, I. & Ko, L-M. (Eds.) (2014). Routledge Handbook of  Sport Policy. Abingdon: Routledge.

Sally's research students have studied topics as diverse as heteronormativity in sport organisations; intersections of drag, punk, and skateboarding; women in sport management; the gendered nature of injury in water polo; experiences of female coaches; dynamic work experiences of breast cancer survivors; active transport to school; and ambush marketing at the Rugby World Cup 2011.

Please consult the University  of Otago scholarships webpage to check eligibility for international and domestic student  scholarships.

Postgraduate Students

Current Students

Professor Shaw is actively seeking and welcomes post-graduate students with an interest in sport management, governance, and/or gender and sexuality studies.


  • Bethany Geckle, PhD, 2021. “Queer World-Making: Destabilizing Heteronormativity through Skateboarding”. Co-supervisors Emeritus Professor Doug Booth and Dr Rosemary Overell (National University of Singapore)
  • Lourdes Turconi, 2020, PhD. “Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Organizations. A Subversive Functionalist Approach”. Co-supervisor Associate Professor Mark Falcous
  • Lucy Spowart, PhD 2010. “Mums on Board: A Feminist Post-structural Analysis of Mothers Who Snowboard
  • Elizabeth McGee, SPEH 2016. “Volunteering at the NZ Masters Games
  • Caitlin O'Donoghue, SPEH 2016. “Extreme Sport Marketing
  • Maria Pearson, MPhEd 2015. “A school's experience of implementing an assisted road crossing initiative: a case study
  • Katy Atkinson, MPhEd 2014. “Return to work after breast cancer treatment
  • Joan Merrilees, MPhEd 2014. “Female coaches work experiences
  • Kendall Stevenson, SPEH 2013. “Māori Leaders in Sport Management
  • Timothy Chambers, SPEH 2013. “Female water polo players' experiences of pain and injury
  • Lucy Shirtcliff, SPEH 2011. “Is it Fair or is it Foul? – The Paradox that is Ambush Marketing
  • Bird Kirsten, SPEH 2008. “Sponsoring the New Zealand Master's Games: A critique of the model of perceived competence
  • Magill, Caitlin, SPEH 2008. “Follow the leader?: Examining three women's experiences of outdoor leadership discourses


Shaw, S. (2024). Using feminist critical management studies to examine LGBTQ+ women’s experiences of inclusion and exclusion in rugby. Sport Management Review. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/14413523.2024.2395589 Journal - Research Article

Shaw, S. (2024). Critical feminisms in sport management: Theory and practice. In P. Markula & A. Knoppers (Eds.), Research handbook on gender and diversity in sport management. (pp. 345-357). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781802203691.00037 Chapter in Book - Research

Shaw, S. (2024, March). Gender and sexuality in sport management: A queer tale. University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture]. Other Research Output

Shaw, S., & Dickson, G. (2024). The merger of the women’s and men’s golf national sport organisations in New Zealand. Managing Sport & Leisure, 29(1), 146-160. doi: 10.1080/23750472.2021.1997635 Journal - Research Article

Hoeber, L., Shaw, S., & Rowe, K. (2023). Advancing women’s cycling through digital activism: A feminist critical discourse analysis. European Sport Management Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/16184742.2023.2257727 Journal - Research Article

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