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Two EDOR Directors 650
Inaugural EDOR Director Professor Sir Jim Mann with the current EDOR Director Professor Rachael Taylor.
Image was taken at the Royal Society Te Apārangi in April 2023, on the occasion of Professor Taylor being made a Ngā Ahurei a Te Apārangi fellow.
Our people

Reducing the global burden

The vision statement of the Centre is:

“To make a significant contribution to reducing the global burden of diabetes and obesity through research and dissemination of knowledge."

We aim to reduce the prevalence, and to improve the management, of diabetes and obesity by finding new ways to prevent and treat these conditions. By striving for research excellence and encouraging international collaboration we can bring the greatest benefit to New Zealanders and the wider world.

We believe that considerable progress has been made over the relatively short life of the Centre.

Collaborating across disciplines and borders

We promote collaboration amongst those involved in diabetes-related research. We engage with a range of departments within the University of Otago as well as working alongside researchers and healthcare providers throughout New Zealand and internationally.
EDOR research aims

We are committed to sharing our knowledge and discoveries with communities, and to providing advisory services to organisations; locally and internationally.
EDOR advisory expertise

Steering our Centre

Advisory Board members oversee our Centre's activities. We seek representatives from consumer groups, researchers, health agencies, tertiary institutions and tangata whenua. Our current chair is Sir Bruce Robertson.

Funding our research

Our Centre was established in 2003 with a generous foundation donation made by the Edgar family. This inspired further donations, and the total was matched by the New Zealand Government through the Leading Thinkers campaign. In 2006 Karitane Products Society assisted with the establishment of a Senior Research Fellowship in Early Childhood Obesity.

Help support our research

Other financial support is received through applications for research grants. Over the past decade we have been grateful for the support of:

Our Annual Reports provide more information.

Our work

Centre governance

Eion Aug 2014 186
Sir Eion Edgar, founding benefactor and first chair of the EDOR Advisory Board

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