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Are you a former student (alumnus/alumna) of the Department of Geology?

Feel free to send us an update on what you are up to and at the University Alumni Office. If you are in Dunedin then please do pop in to see us. A good time to visit is at morning tea (10:30am weekdays).

Former postgraduate students (Alumni) are listed here by the year they finished / graduated.

Geology Alumni 2023

  • William Preston
  • Rong Zhang

Geology Alumni 2022

  • Jack Beagley
  • Sophie Bonnington
  • Julianne Burns
  • Markus Dengg
  • Grace Duke
  • Dannielle Eagles
  • Martin Forbes
  • Ian Geary
  • Ellie Grant
  • Tayla Hill
  • Georgia Holdsworth
  • Mark Ireland
  • Katie Matts
  • Shane Meekin
  • Jakob Morgan
  • Ben Perrett
  • Katherine Perry
  • Olivia Truax
  • Matthew Vanner
  • Caroline Wilsher
  • Laura Wilson
  • Erika Wright

Geology Alumni 2021

  • Eve Aitkin
  • Daniel Burgin
  • Francesco Cappuccio
  • Joanna Cooper
  • Amber Coste
  • Jamie Cudby
  • Lucy David
  • Harry Davies
  • Sheng Fan (Van)
  • Tabitha German
  • Jonathan Griffin
  • Stephanie Junior
  • Anna Kowal
  • Mikaeli Lalor
  • Zoe MacClure
  • Laura McDonald
  • Sarah Macindoe-Baker
  • Orion Marshall
  • Fox Meyer
  • Moyna Mueller
  • Lucy O'Neill
  • Marshall Palmer
  • Risa Rezki Permatasari
  • Lachie Scarsbrook
  • Yilun Shao
  • Rilee Thomas
  • Francesco Turco
  • Yuval Yalgonitzer

Geology Alumni 2020

  • Aidan Aubert
  • Wendel Broek
  • Donna Condon
  • Greer Gilmer
  • Jasper Hoffmann
  • James Leaper
  • Hamish Lilley
  • Risa Matsumura
  • Ross Nicolls
  • Jan-Kristian Piekarski
  • Alessio Pontesilli
  • Oliver Rees
  • Kat Sauer
  • Aleisha Savage
  • Risha Jasmine Singh
  • Ella van den Berg
  • Erin Weightman

Geology Alumni 2019

  • Menuka Anandani
  • Rachel Baxter
  • Michael Bollen
  • Rosie Cole
  • Josh Corrie
  • Michelle Fitzgerald
  • Patrick Fletcher
  • Dannielle Fougere
  • Sophie Gangl
  • William Gray
  • Caitlin Hall
  • Simon Holbek
  • Carrie Jewiss
  • Aleasha King
  • Martina Kirilova
  • Cara Lembo
  • Justin Lo
  • Loren Mathewson
  • Henry Mannering
  • Gray McDougall
  • Nathaniel Parsons
  • Marcus Richards
  • Catherine Sangster
  • Matt Tarling
  • Stephie Tay
  • Alex Vilela
  • Brittany Watson
  • Alex Zhou

Geology Alumni 2018

  • Samantha Allan
  • Frances Blake
  • Donna Condon
  • Lisa Craw
  • Danielle Eagles
  • Samuel Frew
  • Emanuele Giacalone
  • Kacee Grant
  • Talal Kadada
  • Gemma Kerr
  • Alastair King
  • Hamish Lilley
  • Tim Lutter
  • Jasmine Mawson
  • Michael May
  • Soltice Morrison
  • Arran Murch
  • Michael Ofman
  • Laura Penrose
  • Daniel Pickering
  • Oliver Rees
  • Andrew Robertson
  • Bryce Robinson
  • Jeffrey Robinson
  • Emma Scanlan
  • Meike Seideman
  • Dave Sun
  • Rilee Thomas
  • Olivia Truax
  • Andrea Verolino
  • Joseph Whitmore

Geology Alumni 2017

Geology Alumni 2016

Geology Alumni 2015

Geology Alumni 2014

Geology Alumni 2013

Geology Alumni 2012

For more Alumni see: Student theses metadata on our Publications page

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