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Associate Professor Ailsa McGregor

Associate Dean (Research)

Ailsa McGregor imageAssociate Professor Ailsa McGregor is a translational pharmacologist with experience in the pharmaceutical industry in Japan, Switzerland and the UK . Her research group uses a combination of health administrative data, preclinical models and clinical trials to develop new treatments for stroke, Huntington’s disease ( HD ) and bipolar disorder.

Ailsa is the  Deputy Chair of the Neurological Foundation Council. She was involved in the development of the ANZCAART Openness Agreement on Animal Research and Teaching for New Zealand and was previously Deputy Director of the Brain Health Research Centre.


Associate Professor Ailsa McGregor
Associate Dean (Research)

Professor Peter Jones

Deputy Associate Dean (Research)

Pete Jones imageProfessor Peter Jones gained his PhD in Leeds, UK before undertaking a postdoctoral position in Calgary, Canada. He joined the University of Otago in 2010. His research looks at how disturbances in calcium release leads to arrhythmias and heart failure. Specifically, he studies changes in the function of a protein called RyR2. More recently he has also begun to examine the role of RyR2 and calcium release in neurons and how altered function can lead to seizures and Alzheimer's disease.

Pete is Co-director of the HeartOtago research theme, a group of cardiovascular researcher, cardiologists and surgeons based at the University of Otago. He is also a council member of the International Society of Heart Research and board member for the New Zealand International Science Festival.

HeartOtago website


Professor Peter Jones
Deputy Associate Dean (Research)
Tel +64 3 470 3548

Dr Michele Coleman

Research and Development Manager

Generic SilhouetteAfter completing her PhD on the PrP protein associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy at Edinburgh University, Michele came to Otago to complete a Marsden-funded postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Biochemistry. Since then she has held a number of positions in the Division of Health Sciences, culminating in her present role.

Michele advises the Pro-Vice-Chancellor on all aspects of research strategy within the Division. This includes development of strategy, responses to government initiatives, and allocation of Divisional funding for research.


Dr Michele Coleman
Research and Development Manager
Tel +64 3 479 3076
Mob +64 27 284 4629

Professor Sarah Hook

Research Infrastructure Centre Manager

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Professor Sarah Hook
Research Infrastructure Centre Manager

Jessica Jones

Research Infrastructure Centre Administrator


Generic SilhouetteJessica Jones
Research infrastructure Centre Administrator
Tel +64 3 479 8580

Dr Manon Knapen

Scientific Officer – Research and Development

Generic SilhouetteManon came to Otago to do a PhD in Science Communication, looking at the importance of evidence in people's health decision making. After finishing her PhD she worked as a researcher for the Science for Technological Innovation ( SfTI ) National Challenge before joining Research & Enterprise as a Research Advisor.

Manon's role is to assist the Division's Research and Development Manager. This includes managing the Summer Research Scholarship Programme, the PhD Travel Fund, and supporting the organisation of the annual Forum.


Dr Manon Knapen
Scientific Officer – Research and Development
Mob +64 21 279 1225

Dr Howard Maxwell

Scientific Officer – Māori Health Advancement

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Howard is from Ōpōtiki and has recently completed his PhD in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, which focused on the regulation of bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems. He is now the Scientific Officer for Māori Health Advancement in the Division of Health Sciences. He sees research as a powerful tool to create real change for Māori communities. His role is to assist academics within the Division to develop their research in a manner that is responsive to Māori aspirations, and meets the expectations of Vision Mātauranga and Māori Health Advancement.


Howard Maxwell
Māori Health Advancement

Maria Larcombe

Research Fellow

Maria Larcombe imageMaria is a Research Fellow working in the area of research impact. She helps to support researchers understand, plan for and evaluate their impact. Maria is a registered physiotherapist and has a Masters in Health Leadership. She is currently undertaking her PhD on the pathway to research impact in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Maria Larcombe
Mob +64 21 0240 3296

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