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Contact Details

+64 4 832 3131
Senior Research Fellow
Department of Primary Health Care and General Practice (Wellington)
Research summary
Communication in health care


My background is in applied linguistics and I apply skills in interactional linguistics and conversation analysis, as well as generic qualitative research skills, to a range of projects, mainly focusing on communication in health contexts.

I am a member of the ARCH (Applied Research on Communication in Health) Group which studies all aspects of communication in health care, with a focus on analysing how health professionals and patients interact with a view to improving communication and ultimately health outcomes.


Bibby, S., Marsh, S., Dowell, A., Sexton, A., Hilder, J., Turner, N., … Stubbe, M. (2024). Point-Of-Care Testing for respiratory illnesses improves diagnosis, management, and patient behaviours. Proceedings of the Communicable Diseases & Immunisation Conference: Protecting Communities: Empowering Health through Disease Control and Immunisation. 397. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Dowell, A., Stubbe, M., Dunlop, A., Fedchuk, D., Gardiner, T., Garrett, S., Gordon, S., Hilder, J., Mathieson, F., & Tester, R. (2024). Evaluating success and challenges of a primary care youth mental health programme using complexity, implementation science, and appreciative inquiry. Cureus, 16(4), e58870. doi: 10.7759/cureus.58870 Journal - Research Article

Hilder, J. (2024). Checking your medication is easy, and could just save your life. Newsroom, (25 January). Retrieved from Journal - Professional & Other Non-Research Articles

Hilder, J., McBain, L., Stubbe, M., Stairmand, J., Morris, C., & Dunlop, A. (2023). We need to talk about polypharmacy: A qualitative study of medication reviews with older adults. Proceedings of the New Zealand Primary Health Care, General Practice & Rural Health Research Symposium. (pp. 9). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Dowell, A., Bibby, S., Cole, M., Dunlop, A., Hilder, J., Humphrey, G., Karteleva, L., … Sexton, A., Stubbe, M., & Zipfel, P. (2023). Evaluation of the health sector Immunisation Education, Training and Clinical Support programme during the New Zealand COVID-19 pandemic: Methodology and overview. Proceedings of the New Zealand Primary Health Care, General Practice & Rural Health Research Symposium. (pp. 33). Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

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