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The Annual Academic Performance Appraisal (APA) is one of the regular annual and biennial review processes for academic staff. Please read the general information about all academic review processes on the Academic Performance Reviews webpage.

The University expects that all academic staff members should benefit from having their performance reviewed regularly and appropriate professional development put in place.

Who undertakes the Annual Academic Performance Appraisal?

It applies to academic staff appointed on or before 1 September of the current year who are not subject to other annual or biennial performance reviews.

Staff members typically covered by the process:

  • Lecturers
  • College of Education Lecturers and Senior Lecturers (Teacher Education Fellow salary scale Band 1)
  • Research Fellows
  • Scientific Officers
  • Professional Practice Fellows
  • Senior Professional Practice Fellows
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Teaching Fellows
  • Senior Teaching Fellows
  • Assistant Research Fellows beyond the bar
  • Assistant Research Fellows below the bar



Week commencing 9 September 2024Academic Performance Appraisal commences. All eligible staff receive information on the APA process from HR. HOD and Deans granted access to Progress.
September-November 2024Academic staff submit their reviews and meet with their reviewer: HODs/Heads of Schools or delegated reviewer
15 January 2025Reviews completed and signed off.
January 2025HR will advise eligible staff of the outcome of the review.
1 February 2025Effective date for any approved salary progressions.

Key contacts

Promotions & Progression
Tel +64 3 479 8887

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