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Marketing at Otago values its connections with industry and other external organisations

The long-standing relationships we have with many of New Zealand's best known companies are proof of our commitment – both to our students, and the industry itself.

Why connect with Marketing at Otago?

There are many reasons why your business or organisation would benefit from collaborating with the University of Otago's Department of Marketing. By forming a relationship with our Department, you can:

  • Gain access to relevant research
  • Source appropriate graduate talent
  • Work with experienced marketing experts to conduct complex industry research
  • Provide a real-life marketing problem for student based research projects
  • Develop a platform to raise your profile with the many people who comprise the University community, staff and students alike

We are continually seeking to develop new relationships and to find ways to better service the varied marketing-related needs of industry. So if you have a marketing problem that we can help with, or an idea about how we might work together, please get in touch!


Our connections with industry

The ASPIRE2025 research group partners with a community research group: Whakauae Research for Maori Health and Development. Our research group also has strong links with several independent health groups (Cancer Society and Heart Foundation) as well as NGOs (Smokefree Coalition), crown entities (Health Promotion Agency) and the Ministry of Health.

Professor Rob Aitken is Chair of Otago Age Concern and National Board Member of Age Concern New Zealand. He is also is also a member of the Board of Consumer NZ.
Visit the Age Concern New Zealand website

Dr Leah Watkins is a Board Member of Move Me. This is a DCC funded initiative public promotional campaign designed to raise awareness of opportunities to be active in Dunedin and increase the number of residents who are active.
Visit the Move Me website.

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