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The Master of Science (MSc) in Energy Science and Technology degree includes a major research thesis. Normally, students will complete either a BAppSc Honours degree a Postgraduate Diploma of Science in Energy Science and Technology or an approved appropriate NZ or international qualification at the 400 level, prior to admission to the MSc programme. The MSc degree is then by thesis-only (requiring a minimum of one year of full time study).

By earning a Masters degree in Energy Science and Technology you will have demonstrated your ability to:

  • work independently,
  • explore and understand the relevant background literature,
  • develop new technical skills, carry out an original research project, and accurately report your findings.

These are qualities that are valued by potential employees in a wide range of sectors. A Masters degree is also an entry route to the PhD degree.


Entry to the MSc degree in Energy Science and Technology by thesis-only requires:

  • a BAppSc Honours degree or PGDipSci in Energy Science and Technology or a closely related subject
  • an appropriate qualification from another NZ university or overseas university at the 400 level
  • an average B+ pass in the papers of your qualifying course, including the research project
  • 400-level papers relevant to your thesis topic

In some exceptional circumstances, students may be admitted to the MSc in Energy Science and Technology on the basis of a BSc qualification. The MSc programme is then a minimum of two years, with the first year devoted full-time to 400-level papers and preliminary research. The second year is full time research, and writing a thesis.

Entry to the two-year MSc degree in Energy Science and Technology normally requires:

  • a BSc in Energy Science and Technology or BAppSc in Energy Management or a closely related subject area
  • an average B+ pass in your four best Energy Science and Technology or Energy Management (or closely related) papers at 300 level.

Requirements for MSc degree

80 points from 400-level EMAN or approved papers, including at least 60 EMAN points;

A thesis must be completed on a topic approved by the Head of the Department of Physics.

An MSc with papers and thesis requires a minimum of 2 years full time study and must normally be completed within 3 years of full time study.

A thesis-only MSc requires a minimum of 1 year full time study and must normally be completed within 2 years of full time study.

Some recent MSc theses from our department

These are some of the theses submitted recently:

  • Smart Control of Water Heaters for Micro Grid Balancing
  • A Comparative Study of Electricity Demand Forecasting Models for Residential Hot Water at the Individual Household Level
  • Technoeconomic Analysis of Options to Achieve 100% Renewable Electricty for Samoa
  • The Technical Potential for Demand Response in New Zealand's Residential Sector
  • An Exergy Analysis of the New Zealand Energy System

Applying to do an MSc in Energy Science and Technology

Applications for the MSc in Energy Science and Technology from well-qualified candidates are welcomed. Normally this degree is by thesis-only (see Prerequisites), and may commence at any time during the year. Please follow the steps outlined below.

1. Your choice of research area for your thesis is the important first step. You will need a supervisor from amongst our current academic staff with expertise within that area. The research interests and expertise of our staff can be found in a number of places on our website:

  • Our Research which gives the general areas of research and provides internal links to individual research groups,
  • Research Expertise which has a table of key words and links to staff profiles.

2. All students must have a confirmed thesis supervisor before they formally apply to the University to enter the degree. Local students should directly contact the staff members they are interested in working with. Students from other Universities should send an email to the Director Energy Science and Technology, stating that they are interested in applying to do an MSc in our department, noting the area they wish to work in, and naming the staff member(s) they are interested in working with. Please include the following information:

  • up to date academic CV
  • your country of citizenship
  • contact information for at least two academic referees

3. You will shortly be informed by the Director as to whether or not there is a staff member who wishes to consider you as an MSc student. If no staff member is available then unfortunately your application cannot proceed further. If there is an available staff member, they will contact you to discuss your application, and potential projects.

4. Once you have obtained agreement from a staff member to supervise your MSc thesis, you now submit a formal application to University, which is done through the University's eVision portal. Follow this link, click the yellow Apply Now button on the right hand side, and follow the instructions.

Scholarships and Fees

Domestic students are eligible for University of Otago Postgraduate Awards, which are awarded to Masters candidates in their thesis year of study. The award provides an annual emolument of $13,000 for up to 1 year, the payment of the fees at domestic level and partial thesis expenses.
Some staff members may be able to provide Masters scholarships from their research grants.
Students who are not New Zealand residents or Australian, are required to pay international fees

International students

Energy Science and Technology welcomes international students. The University offers a small number of International Masters Awards which are awarded to Masters' candidates in their thesis year of study. They provide an annual emolument of $13,000 for up to 1 year, the payment of the fees at international level and partial thesis expenses.

International students will need to provide certified evidence of English language proficiency.

Read further important information on language proficiency.

Further useful information for international students.

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