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+64 27 445 0415
Senior Lecturer
BHSc (Physiotherapy) PGCertCT (Clinical teaching) PhD
Research summary
Men’s health, physical activity, disability, accessibility, clinical education
  • Years 2 and 3: PHTY254, PHTY256, PHTY354 topics related to neurorehabilitation, disability, and physical activity
  • Year 4:PHTY456 and PHTY468 clinical education in neurorehabilitation, and PHTY459 Research for Physiotherapy
  • Postgraduate:PHTY535 Neurorehabilitation
  • Co-Chair Centre for Men’s Health University of Otago
  • Advisory board member for the Canterbury Health and Development Study
  • Trustee of the Canterbury Multicentre Trust
  • Physiotherapy New Zealand (PNZ)
  • Co-Chair Neurology Special Interest Group of PNZ
  • NZ representative for the International Physiotherapy Association (INPA)
  • New Zealand Rehabilitation Association (NZRA)


I have experience in participatory action research, co-design, qualitative, mixed methods, and systematic review methodologies.

I value a genuine collaborative participatory approach in my research creating a space for meaningful and sustained engagement, which is person and whānau centred. Building strong active partnerships with people, whānau / aiga, and communities ensures that the research outcomes and subsequent design and delivery of healthcare is meaningful and meets the end users’ and next users’ aspirations.

I have three research streams:

  1. Physical activity participation for men living with long term conditions and disability:
    Physical activity health messaging for men
  2. Inclusive access of the built environment for people with disability
  3. Developing and evaluating innovative approaches to teaching and learning for pre-registration health professional students

I supervise research at an undergraduate (BPhty, BPhty (Hons), and Summer Research Projects) and postgraduate level (Phty650, master’s by thesis, and PhD).

Additional details

Reviewer for:

  • Disability and Health
  • Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Physical Therapy Reviews
  • New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
  • Health Promotion Journal of Australia


Davidson, L., Calder, A., & Falling, C. (2024). It's a total pain in the mouth! Physiotherapists' perspectives of temporomandibular disorders [Invited]. Proceedings of the New Zealand Pain Society (NZPS) Annual Scientific Meeting: Empowering Pain Management in New Zealand. Retrieved from Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract

Wilkinson, A., Calder, A., Elliott, B., Rodger, R., Mulligan, H., Hale, L., & Perry, M. (2023). Disabled people or their support persons' perceptions of a community based multi-sensory environment (MSE): A mixed-method study. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 20, 6805. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20196805 Journal - Research Article

Da Silva, K., Baxter, G. D., & Calder, A. (2023). Views of men with Parkinson’s Disease regarding physical activity health messaging. Disability & Health Journal, 16, 101370. doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2022.101370 Journal - Research Article

Moeinzadeh, A. M., Calder, A., Petersen, C., Hoermann, S., & Daneshfar, A. (2023). Comparing virtual reality exergaming with conventional exercise in rehabilitation of people with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 33(8), 1430-1455. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2022.2107021 Journal - Research Article

Burns, F., Calder, A., & Devan, H. (2023). Experiences of individuals with multiple sclerosis and stroke using transcutaneous foot drop electrical stimulators: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Disability & Rehabilitation, 45(12), 1923-1932. doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2076936 Journal - Research Article

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