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Healthy Ageing research encompasses both quantitative and qualitative research into the health and wellness of people across the lifespan.

Current projects

Current projects are focused on:


  • Falling, C., Stebbings, S., Baxter, G. D., Gearry, R. B., & Mani, R. (2019). Musculoskeletal pain in individuals with inflammatory bowel disease reflects three distinct profiles. Clinical Journal of Pain. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1097/ajp.0000000000000698
  • Gosselin, D., Wright, A., Sole, G., Girolami, G., Taylor, J., & Baxter, G. D. (2019). Maximizing participation during walking in children with disabilities: Is response to unpredictability important? Pediatric Physical Therapy, 31(1), 122-127. doi: 10.1097/pep.0000000000000575
  • Saitta M. Hemakumar D, Boland B, Perry M. (2018) Park-based physical activity interventions for persons with disabilities: A mixed-methods systematic review. Disability and Health Journal. 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2018.07.006
  • Devan H, Hale L, Hempel D, Saipe B, Perry M. (2018) What works and what doesn't in a self-management intervention for individuals with chronic pain? Qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Physical Therapy (Accepted, 11 February 2018), Special issue on Pain management.
  • Wilkinson, A., Meikle, N., Law, P., Yong, H. J., Butler, P., Kim, J., Mulligan, H., & Hale, L. (2018). How older adults and their informal carers prevent falls: An integrative review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 82, 13-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2018.03.002
  • Jayakaran, P., & Vanicek, N. (2018). Stepping forward following lower limb amputation. Physical Therapy Reviews. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/10833196.2018.1466439 [Editorial].
  • Bell, R., Smith, C., Hale, L., Kira, G., & Tumilty, S. (2017). Understanding obesity in the context of an Indigenous population: A qualitative study. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2017.04.006
  • Kovanur-Sampath, K., Mani, R., Cotter, J., Gisselman, A. S., & Tumilty, S. (2017). Changes in biochemical markers following spinal manipulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Musculoskeletal Science & Practice, 29, 120-131. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2017.04.004
  • Liu, L., Skinner, M. A., McDonough, S. M., & Baxter, G. D. (2017). Acupuncture for chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled feasibility trial comparing treatment session numbers. Clinical Rehabilitation. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0269215517705690
  • Bell, R., Tumilty, S., Kira, G., Smith, C., & Hale, L. (2016). Using a community based participatory research model within an indigenous framework to establish an exploratory platform of investigation into obesity. Obesity Medicine.

More Healthy Ageing publications...


Year Project title Funding body
2019 Sensory organisation for balance control in children with strabismus HRC emerging grant
2018 Co-creating a digital self-help intervention for people with persistent pain HRC project grant
2017 Ageing well with Chronic Pain Lottery Health
2017 Evidence for pain assessment tools sensitive for Māori - a systematic review of literature HRC Māori Summer studentship
2017 Healthcare providers' attitudes towards recommending online pain self management resources for people with persistent pain: a mixed method study NZ Pain Society Cynthia Miller Research Grant
2017 Implementing and evaluating the Bridges Stroke Self-Management Programme into South Canterbury District Health Board stroke services: a case study PNZ
2017 Central pain mechanisms in middle-aged and older adults with arthritis. UORG
2017 Uptake and use of non-invasive ventilation in people with neuromuscular disorders: Users and caregivers' experiences. UORG
2017 How children with disabilities perceive accessing and using parks and playgrounds? Porirua City Council
2016 Tai Chi for Breast Cancer 2017 NZBCF Fellow
2016 Park accessibility: Perceived barriers by older adults in the Wellington area. UORG
2016 How does purchasing a mobility scooter impact upon an individual's physical activity, health and mobility in the community? Lottery Health Research
2016 Efficacy of thoracic spinal manipulation in eliciting changes in the neuro-endocrinal mechanisms in people with Achilles tendinopathy NZMPA
2016 How does frequency of manual therapy treatment influence outcome for people with knee osteoarthritis? NZMPA
2016 Concurrent validity of the Mini-BESTest in people with vestibular dysfunction Otago Branch PNZ
2015 Valuing those supporting people living with cognitive decline. NZ Brain Health Core
2015 Frequency of manual therapy treatment for knee osteoarthritis. UORG
2014 Effects of spinal manipulation on the stress systems – a randomized controlled study. NZMPA
2014 Strabismus and balance MPPT research grant
2014 Multiple sclersis - fatigue management Royal Society travel grant
2014 Difference between dominant and non-dominant hemispheres of brain in the excitability of lower limb muscles in healthy adults MPPT research grant
2013 Self-management of fatigue for people with multiple sclerosis: The minimise fatigue maximise life project UORG
2013 Mobility Scooters keeping older New Zealanders on the move Lotteries Health
2011 Hāua Mana Māori HRC and Ministry of Health
2011 Adapting the Bridges Programme for Stoke to New Zealand physiotherapy Physiotherapy New Zealand
2011 PROFAID trial HRC feasibility grant
2011 Age-related changes in the natural variance of the human footprint. UORG
2011 Amputees New Zealand Artificial Limb Trust
2010 Body composition, balance, strength and falls in older adults with Parkinson's NZSP
2008 Aqua Aerobics to improve physical function and falls risk in older adults with lower extremity osteoarthritis Lotteries Health
2008 An Evaluation of the ACC Steady as You Go Fall Prevention Programme ACC contestable funding round

Graduate students

PhD students

Miranda Buhler

The impact of base of thumb osteoarthritis and the effectiveness of orthotic management.

Suranga Dassanayake

Risk of obstructive sleep apnoea in poorly controlled hypertension – a study of two population groups.

Alicia Emerson

Invisible disease affecting invisible populations: exploring how the geopolitical, historical, and societal spectrum impacts marginalized populations' experiences with chronic musculoskeletal pain management

Carrie Falling

Persistent musculoskeletal pain among individuals with immune-mediated chronic inflammatory conditions

Huijuan Tan

Treatment regimens of acupuncture for chronic low back pain: A randomized controlled feasibility trial of 2 × 2 factorial design

Rani Othman

Profiling sensory phenotypes in individuals with persistent musculoskeletal pain

Karen Taylor

Evaluating the primary care and decision-making process for shoulder injuries in New Zealand.

Cliff Waller

The hemiparetic knee: structure and function.

News and events

Past events

Caregivers, carers, and support workers in the aged care sector symposium - 7 June 2018

Read more and view videos from the event.

Symposium Care giver and support workers in the aged care sector: 28 June 2013

This symposium brings together a network of researchers to further explore the social, physical, cultural, and economic issues associated with caregiving in the aged care sector. The outcome of the symposium is to set a future research agenda.

Bridges Stroke study Workbook launch: Dunedin 26 June 2013

In New Zealand about 32,000 people live with disability caused by stroke. Although most people receive rehabilitation whilst in hospital, this care diminishes once discharged home and the person has to learn to cope on their own. Learning to self-manage the effects of a chronic condition is one way of coping.Dr Fiona Jones and colleagues developed an individualised stroke self-management programme for people in the UK with stroke, known as 'Bridges', which includes a workbook to facilitate self-management.

More information about the UK Bridges programme

PROFAID community presentations

PROFAID study feedback of results presentation to the Community Care Trust, Dunedin (June 2013) and Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau Trust, Hamilton (Feb 2013).

National and international collaborators


  • Professor Lindy Clemsen (University of Sydney)
  • Dr Beatrice Hale (Independent Researcher)
  • Dr Fiona Jones (University of London, St George's and Kingston University)
  • Marcus King (Callaghan Institute)
  • Professor Steve La Grow (Massey University)
  • Dr Brigit Mirfin-Veitch (Donald Beasley Institute)
  • Dr Linda Robertson (Otago Polytechnic)
  • Associate Professor Roger Stancliffe (University of Sydney)
  • Associate Professor Denise Tayler (AUT University)
  • Dr Andy Towers (Massey University)
  • Professor Gareth Treharne (Department of Psychology)
  • Dr Debra Waters (Department of Preventive and Social Medicine)


  • Stroke Foundation
  • MS and Parkinson's society of Canterbury Inc.

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