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The Clinical Psychology Centre | Te Pūtahi Mātai Hinengaro is a training centre for students in the Clinical Psychology Training Programme. As a part of their postgraduate training, students work in various psychological service settings of which the clinic is one.

Services provided

The Centre provides a referral-based mental health service to the community as part of its professional training activities. It provides services to assess and treat children and adults experiencing behavioural, emotional and health-related psychological problems.

All attendees are seen by senior psychology students training toward registration as clinical psychologists. They are closely supervised by registered clinical psychologists. Close liaison and consultation is also maintained with referring agencies.

As the Centre is a training environment, supervision of students is intensive and involves recording of appointments between students and clients as well as careful review of assessment and treatment decisions. The wellbeing of clients has the highest priority.


The Centre accepts referrals from organisations and individuals engaged in the provision of psychological, psychiatric, health care, education and welfare services. All referrals are screened by the Director and must be considered an appropriate referral for a clinical psychology trainee. Clients with known moderate to severe suicidal ideation, criminal offending behaviour, current substance dependence, severe eating disorders, and severe personality disorders will be declined. If declined the Director will discuss suitable alternatives with the referral agent.  Prior to referring a child the referral should be discussed with the child's caregivers and permission to refer obtained.

If unsure about the suitability for a referral, please call the Centre Administrator or Director to discuss.

Types of referral accepted

The Centre accepts referrals for a range of problems including those experienced by:

Children and adolescents

  • Behavioural disorders (e.g. non compliance, oppositional behaviour, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, temper tantrums, social isolation and withdrawal)
  • Sleep disturbances (e.g. difficulty getting children to bed)
  • Problems of bowel and bladder control (e.g. enuresis, encopresis)
  • Anxiety disorders and common childhood fears (e.g. separation anxiety, school phobia, obsessions and compulsions)
  • Learning difficulties (e.g. learning disabilities, developmental disabilities)


  • Anxiety disorders (e.g. agoraphobia, generalised anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress, social phobia, and specific phobias)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive disorders
  • Depression and dysthymic disorder
  • Health behaviour problems (e.g. obesity, eating disorders, smoking)
  • Somatic complaints (e.g. tension headaches, chronic pain, sleep disturbances)
  • Relationship difficulties (e.g. marital conflict, communication problems)
  • Assertiveness and social skills deficits
  • Neuropsychological problems (e.g. emotional difficulties, personality change, and cognitive deficits associated with neurological disorders)


There is no charge for services at the Centre.


First appointments are arranged following a referral from a general practitioner/health professional/teacher. We do not accept self-referrals.

The clinic is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Thursday each week. Appointments are usually scheduled to occur weekly and last 50 minutes.

Centre staff


Sam Flannery

Clinic Administrator and PA to the Clinical Psychology Director

Kally Barton

Clinical Supervisors / Registered Clinical Psychologists

  • Dr Amanda Clifford PGDipClPs, PhD (Otago)
  • Rachel Drew MSc, DipClinPsych (Cant)
  • Stacey-Lee Esterhuizen, MClinPsych (SA)
  • Sam Flannery MSc, PGDipCIPs (Otago)
  • Associate Professor Dione Healey MSc, DipClinPsych, PhD (Cant)
  • Dr Miriama Ketu-McKenzie ClinPsych, PhD (Massey)
  • Dr Paul Knox  PGDipClPs, PhD (Otago)
  • Associate Professor Richard Linscott PGDipCIPs, PhD (Otago)
  • Michelle Milmine MSc, PGDipClPs (Otago)
  • Professor Martin Sellbom MA (Ball State), PhD (Clinical, Kent State)

Study Clinical Psychology

If you are interested in applying for further study in Clinical Psychology, have a look at the following link for details on admission to the training programme.

Clinical Psychology information

Research activity

On occasion research activities may be conducted at the Centre. Permission will always be sought from clients to participate.

Information for Referral Agents

Client information

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