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Following the conditional approval of any new programme, qualification, major subject or endorsement, the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP) requires a Graduating Year Review (GYR). These are usually held within three years of the graduation of the first cohort of students.

The Quality Advancement Unit's role is to provide administrative and secretarial support in respect of each GYR.

The GYR Handbook outlines the process in detail including, timeframes, roles and responsibilities and includes tips for completion.

A Self Review Template is to be completed by the Programme Coordinator.

A GYR Workshop, facilitated by Professor Tim Cooper (University of Otago CUAP Representative), offers guidance to Self-Review Coordinators around preparation for GYRs and the types of evidence required.

Please contact Megan Wilson, QAU Reviews Manager, regarding the 2025 online workshop.

For more information, or if you have queries about the scheduling of a GYR, please contact Matt Angel or your Divisional Specialist based in Academic Committees and Services

Annual Programme Reports

Annual Programme Reports (APRs) should be utilised to support the GYR process. For more information about APRs go to:

2020 GYR Graphic
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