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This programme enables the kotahitanga (collective action) of staff and students making efforts towards strategic change, using the programme as a tool to embed Tī Kōuka into their everyday.

Our decade of action

The Toitū te Taiao team has been working with epic tāngata across campus to deliver our 2023 – 2030 Sustainability Strategic Framework, Tī Kōuka. This document provides direction in what the United Nations refers to as our decade of action.

This framework is firmly placed in Aotearoa and approaches the challenges and opportunities of a sustainability transition through a bi-cultural and Tiriti based lens. The process of developing this framework alongside the Office of Māori Development has been critical in shaping our vision. This acknowledges the significant value of mātauraka Māori in creating a more sustainable future.

Read more about the Tī Kōuka 2030: The Sustainability Strategic framework.

60 Diverse actions to get amongst across 7 minis

Tī Kōuka Ora provides a series of resources (minis) for staff and students to implement sustainability measures into their mahi, using the visions of Tī Kōuka – Sustainability Strategic Framework 2022-2030.

11 e-badges available to gain

The associated e-badges are designed to celebrate and showcase efforts made by a team or individual.

Find out more about the minis and badges

How it works

Start here:

Check out the sustainability strategic framework

If you want someone to come and discuss Tī Kōuka further email us at

Select a mini

Select an introduction mini based on what vision you believe your mahi contributes to most.

Apply for your badge

Let us know you completed a mini to receive your e-badge. You can display your badge on LinkedIn, email signatures etc.

Complete the form to apply for your badge

Start another mini

Select another introduction mini based on what vision inspires you to drive change.

Get a milestone badge

Once you have applied for three e-badges, you will automatically receive the 2024 Award badge to showcase your efforts for this year.

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