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Education & Professional Development

The ARCH Group has developed a range of audio-visual resource materials for use in education and training on communication in health care settings. These resources include excerpts from real health interactions and interviews held in the ARCH Corpus, and are based on evidence from our own research projects and the wider literature.

The online resources listed on this page are freely available (in some cases subject to Creative Commons or similar open access copyright rules).

Members of the ARCH Group also offer customised seminars, workshops or longer courses for professional audiences on request. Please contact for further information.

Online Resources

Medication Review resources for patients/whānau and for health professionals

A range of resources to provide to patients and whānau, targeted to various ethnic groups in Aotearoa, particularly Māori and Pasifika who tend to be over-represented among those on multiple medications. These are based on the findings of our Medication Review research project and were developed with input from Cheryl Davies and her team at Kōkiri Marae, as well as from Ruth Toumu'a from Otago University.

Patient/whānau resources
Māori focus
Pasifika focus
Other populations
Health Professional resource
No specific ethnic focusCommunication tips (as printable folded pamphlet)
Communication tips (hyperlinked A4 - onscreen reading)

Mental Health Resources for health professionals to give to patientsStress study image

A web page containing access to five different 'self help' booklets on Stress, Breaking habits, Relationship support, Bodily Stress and Helpful and Unhelpful behaviours

Working with Interpreters for Primary Care Practitioners: An eLearning module

Working with Interpreters for Primary Care Practitioners Module Cover

An on-line training resource aimed at post-graduate students and practicing health professionals. Shortcut URL:

This module has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and approved for 2 hours CME for General Practice Educational Programme 2/3 (GPEP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) purposes. Email for your certificate of completion. The module contains detailed information on how to work with professional interpreters as well as covering issues around the use of family members. Based on ARCH Group research and local medical consultations, it is in two parts:

  • Full Module: a detailed training resource using video and audio clips from real interpreted consultations featuring general practitioners and nurses
  • Toolkit: a succinct summary of what is required to work with interpreters including flowcharts that highlight the major issues

Hilder, J., B. Gray and M. Stubbe (2016). Working with Interpreters for Primary Care Practitioners: An eLearning Module. Wellington, NZ, Applied Research on Communication in Health Group, University of Otago.

Gray Perera coverRNZCGP Clinical Effectiveness Module: Improving Communication for Patients with Limited English Proficiency

This module contains resources to support practice teams who are undertaking a critical review of their processes related to good communication with patients with limited English proficiency. The workbook is based on the Template for a Clinical Effectiveness Activity in Aiming for Excellence, and is adapted to assessing how the practice team manages communication with patients who have limited English proficiency, and related issues considered important by the practice.

Clinical Effectiveness Modules are designed for use by New Zealand general practice teams to achieve their annual CORNERSTONE® clinical improvement activity

Gray, B. and R. Perera (With Maria Stubbe and Jo Hilder) (2012). Improving Communication for Patients with Limited English Proficiency: A critical review of a practice process to improve patient experience and equity. Clinical Effectiveness Module. Wellington, New Zealand, The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

Demystifying Addiction pictureDemystifying Addiction through Personal Stories - an online educational resource

An online educational resource for learning about addiction directly from people who have experienced it – ordinary people who developed alcohol and other drug problems and are now living full, happy and productive lives.
The resource is intended to help medical and other health professional students understand the psychological, social and cultural drivers of addiction, so that they feel better equipped to help those in need. We also hope it will demystify and destigmatise addiction for health professionals, and be a useful learning tool for anyone interested in understanding recovery from addiction.

Tester, R., H. Moriarty and M. Stubbe. (2012). "Demystifying Addiction through Personal Stories - an Online Educational Resource."

Empathy pictureLearning to portray empathy

This resource contains video clips that demonstrate good-practice examples of counselling techniques that can help to portray empathy within the interaction. The portray health professional students who are learning the skills of Motivational Interviewing and Brief Intervention. They can be downloaded and used as a teaching resource.

Moriarty, H., M. Huthwaite, M. Stubbe and B. Jackson. (2010). "Learning to portray empathy." From

Unpublished reports and working papers

Badenhorst, C. D. (2009). Health Professionals perception of team work in the management of chronic conditions in primary health care (Summer studentship report). Wellington, NZ. University of Otago Wellington.

Chen, L. (2009). Opportunity to discuss AOD in general practice(Summer Studentship report). Wellington, NZ. University of Otago Wellington.

Navigation report coverGray, B., M. Stubbe, and J. Hilder (2017). Integrating Health Navigation and Interpreting Services for Patients with Limited English Proficiency. Wellington: Department of Primary Health Care & General Practice, University of Otago Wellington (ARCH Group).

Harris, A. (2009). What do patients recall after their GP consultation? (Summer studentship report). Wellington, NZ. University of Otago Wellington.

Major, G. (2007). Lifestyle talk and advice in clinical consultations (Summer studentship report). Wellington, NZ. University of Otago Wellington.

Todd, L. (2009). Patients perceptions of teamwork in the primary healthcare setting (Summer studentship report). Wellington, NZ. University of Otago Wellington.

Useful links

  • EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare

Other corpora/collections:

Educational/professional development

  • : “People's experience of health”
  • eCALD : New Zealand CALD courses and resources to support the health workforce to develop CALD cultural competence (from Waitemata District Health Board). In this resource, CALD refers to culturally and linguistically diverse groups who are migrants and refugees from Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and African (MELAA) backgrounds (Pacific groups are assisted by another organisation). The 'Migrant & Refugee Services' page is a list of cultural or language appropriate health and social services that may be useful for CALD migrant and refugee clients / patients from Asian, Middle Eastern and African backgrounds.
  • CARM: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method - communication skills training

Research/analytic resources & information

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