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The Department of Economics hosted a range of in-house seminars in 2009. Please see the full list of seminars below for more details.

Take a look at our upcoming departmental seminars.

Semester 2

Date: 24 July
Presenter: Victoria Barham, University of Ottawa
Topic: "Whatever You Can Do, I Can Do Cheaper: Fee-for-Service versus Capitation Physician Payment Schemes"

Date: 31 July
Presenter: Tim Hampton, Reserve Bank of New Zealand/New Zealand Treasury
Topic: "The RBNZ Projection Process"

Date: 14 August
Presenter: Fabio Milani, University of California-Irvine, visiting RBNZ
Topic: "Expectations Shocks and Learning as Drivers of the Business Cycle"

Date: 21 August
Presenter: Mardi Dugney, University of Tasmania
Topic: "International Linkages for Large Open Economies with a SVAR Representation"
Read the paper (PDF, 315KB).

Date: 28 August

Presenter: Viktoria Kahui, University of Otago
Topic: " Labour supply of paua (abalone) divers in New Zealand: If not today then tomorrow"

Date: 11 September

Presenter: Arthur Grimes, MOTU
Topic: "Over the hedge? Exporters' optimal and selective endogenous choices"
Read the paper (PDF, 55KB).

Date: 25 September

Presenter: Chris Hajzler, University of Otago
Topic: "Retail Price Differences across U.S. and Canadian Cities during the Interwar Period"

Date: 9 October
Presenter: Steven Stillman, MOTU
Topic: "Selectivity and the Estimated Impact of Emigration on Incomes and Poverty in Sending Areas: Evidence from the Samoan Quota Migration Lottery"
Read the paper (PDF, 187KB).

Date: 16 October
Presenter: Don Webber, Auckland University of Technology
Topic: "Microeconomic foundations of spatial variations in labour productivity"

Date: 23 October
Presenter: Pierre Siklos, William Evans Visiting Fellow from Wilfrid Laurier University
Topic: "Relative Price Shocks, Inflation Expectations, and the Role of Monetary Policy"
Read the paper (PDF, 1.1MB).

Date: 30 October
Presenter: Pierre Siklos, William Evans Visiting Fellow from Wilfrid Laurier University
Topic: "A Bridge too Far? RBNZ Communication and the Forward Interest Rate Track"
Read the paper (PDF, 378KB).

Semester 1

Date: 9 February
Presenter: Chris Milner, Nottingham University
Topic: "Factor Content of Inter-and Intra-Industry Trade"

Date: 9 March
Presenter: Clemens Puppe, University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Technology
Topic: "The Median Voter Theorem Revisited"

Date: 13 March
Presenter: John McDermott, Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Topic: "Conducting Monetary Policy in Turbulent Times"

Date: 20 March
Presenter: Maros Servatka, Canterbury University
Topic: "Words Speak Louder Than Money"
Read the paper (PDF, 177KB).

Date: 17 April

Presenter: Simon Anderson, University of Virginia (visiting University of Melbourne)
Topic: "Push-Me Pull-You: Comparative Advertising in the OTC Analgesics Industry"
Read the paper (PDF, 482KB).

Date: 24 April
Presenter: Iris Claus, New Zealand Inland Revenue
Topics: "Variable GST/VAT: A tool for monetary policy?"
Read the paper (PDF, 383KB).

Date: 8 May
Presenter: Riccardo Scarpa, Waikato University
Topic: "Exploring scale effects of best/worst rank ordered choice data to estimate visitors' benefits from alpine transhumance"
Read the paper (PDF, 218KB).

Date: 15 May
Presenter: Les Oxley, Canterbury University
Topic: "Modelling financial markets: Long memory or shifting means?"

Date: 15 June
Presenter: Daniel Waggoner, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, visiting RBNZ
Topic: "Understanding Markov-Switching Rational Expectations Models"
Read the paper (PDF, 580KB).

Date: 10 July
Director: Michael Bordo, Rutgers University, NBER, and RBNZ Professorial Fellow
Topic: "Foreign Currency Debt, Financial Crises and Economic Growth: A Long Run View"
Read the paper (PDF, 197KB).

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Past Department of Economics Seminar Series

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